Final fantasy 14 zodiac relic weapon upgrade could take you 5 hours to 20 hours to unlock first upgrade which only prepares your weapon for the next upgrade to make it a higher level.
Second quest will take you 30 hours
Third quest could take weeks.
All this to upgrade. It is frustrating and yet it is a nice addition to be able to continue using your old weapons if you like them.
This was not the case when ff14 was first released. They added the option after the release of the second raid for their game
That's pretty sweet. I would love something like this. Problem with a system that could take weeks is most of Destiny's player base are 'casuals' and Bungie has designed the game to be a challenge to that type of player. None of the content is particularly challenging unless you're not paying attention. The forums are already rife with complaints about how hard it is to have to relevel an exotic after upgrading it. Bungie is trying to walk the line between challenging content and making sure less-than-hardcore players feel like they have access to all of the game. Know what I mean?
I thought xur was the casual players vendor who gives them exotics!
Pretty sure everyone uses him. Haha. I love Xur.