If they release new voices for the ghost who's voice would you like to hear included? There are so many awesome voices in Hollywood I had trouble just picking seven. If you have a favorite that was not included please post his/her name below. I wish Robin Williams was still alive, he could have made the story entertaining.
EDIT: This game does have bugs that need fixed and I do not think that a voice for the ghost should be prioritized over the stability and refinement of the game itself.
And sorry for no female voices, just couldn't think of any actresses with commanding voices.
Post below if you have a candidate and like if you find your favorite in comments.
[i]I would have never guessed that this poll would be as popular as it is. Thank you, for all of the great feadback.[/i]
Lmao Timmy Turner's Dad should be the voice of Eris Morn: "A new hive army has spawned underneath the skywatch. This is Dinkleberg's doing"
I'd like to hear jack blacks voice for a Ghost
Sigourney weaver
Everyone should watch this video and repost You Won't regret it
Cortana :/
this would have been a cool feature to have included from the get go. personally, I'd love to have my ears rocked by ash from hey ash whatcha playin. although after typing that out I'm thinking maybe bruce cambell.
No famous voice actors Some random people we've never heard of that could be given a chance.
Also id like PeeWee Herman and Peter from Family Guy.
Make am option for Peter Dinklage I love my little light
Where is the option for GLaDOS
Peter dinklage
Snoop Dogg
No other voices for ghost. Peter dinklage all the way. BUT. Have different filters for his voice, different robotic tones. Yeeeeeah.
Edited by Heloraeon: 3/14/2015 7:56:17 PMWhoever played FLEMMETH in dragon age or Cortana's voice actress from halo. Ideally I'd like the guy who voices the computer Hal from 2001: a space odyssey.
Peter Dink
Your mother's.
*arnold voice* GET TO THE CHOPAH!!!!
Incoming Snoop Dogg DLC
I personally like Dinklage's voice. Yes, he underperformed in places, but so would Morgan Freeman, or anyone else on this list, under the same conditions. Ghost is supposed to be an (annoying) little robot, putting anyone on this list there would be too much of a distraction.
Morgan Freeman all the way man!!
kiefer sutherland. 24 was awesome.
Kevin Hart
Stephen Colbert