If they release new voices for the ghost who's voice would you like to hear included? There are so many awesome voices in Hollywood I had trouble just picking seven. If you have a favorite that was not included please post his/her name below. I wish Robin Williams was still alive, he could have made the story entertaining.
EDIT: This game does have bugs that need fixed and I do not think that a voice for the ghost should be prioritized over the stability and refinement of the game itself.
And sorry for no female voices, just couldn't think of any actresses with commanding voices.
Post below if you have a candidate and like if you find your favorite in comments.
[i]I would have never guessed that this poll would be as popular as it is. Thank you, for all of the great feadback.[/i]
It needs to be Morgan Freeman, and he needs to use vulgar language like "Another f[u]u[/u]ckin door to open. Just let me out over here, I'll get to work"
Paul Rubens, in the voice of Pee Wee.
David hayter. I want him to voice my ghost =D
Matthew McConaughey. When you get your Sparrow, I want him to go over the luxury options and safety features like one of his Lincoln car commercials.
Peter Griffin
Wait until you play Destiny 4... Bungie casted a fresh new voice for your ghost... Also, as a bonus for pre ordering Destiny 4 with the 8 expansions, your ghost will feature the great Elvis as an exclusive voice.
Someone who would not cost a lot of money so funds can be more appropriately placed in development.
Mike Tyson hands down
Barney Fife
Arnold Schwarzenegger
Really people? Makes no sense. Maybe as the Speaker...not the ghost.
None of the above, Randy Newman of course.
Cartman or the chipmunks
Sean Connery
Morgan Freeman Anthony Daniels Kate Blanchett Benedict Cumberbatch Martin Freeman Leonard Nimoy ( to bad he has passed but still a wish)
How the frak did you not include Samuel L Jackson in your poll? You're fired!
Norman Reedus
Bruce Willis man... Ugh can't believe you left him off.
I saw Morgan Freeman and immediately clicked
Lady who was female shepherds voice
Who cares they do nothing anyways
Cause, Nathan fillion all day baby.
Leonard Ne.....FICK!!! Best actor to live died!😪
Am I the only one who thought Peter Dinklage did just fine??
Morgan Freeman forever.