I just got a legendary gun for completing this weeks nightfall...A gun...a gun that is weaker than A.epilogue...seriously it wasnt even worth the time. I haven't dismantled it yet but thats because I can't believe thats what I got...this is worse than the other week where I got 5 ascendant shards at least those are useful though this is going to turn into 2 asendent energy and 3 weapon parts
I finished two runs. Got legendary scout and legendary LMG. Going to wait till later for my last run. F
One friend got a legendary scout rifle and another a legendary rocket launcher. I guess im not alone in getting rng'ed hardcore
If you max out the experience on it you get about 5 energies
Its an awful gun its identical to AE without elemental and worse stability & reload. The frustration in upgrading it would not be worth the 3 extra energy. But thats good to know for future weapons im on the fence about.
You don't have to waste materials either all it needs is the bubbles unlocked