It's exactly the point. You don't want your gear to become obsolete so you'd rather cry that it needs to upgrade with you. Just replace "elemental damage" with "Node you like better". Either use a lower damage weapon with abilities you like, or take max damage with less perks...
If a Scout Rifle that has similar nodes than the VoC, and is stronger, I can guarantee you many people will swap for it, but they haven't so far because there isn't a gun out there currently that is equal to the VoC. Of course people will want an upgraded version of it, it's a solid Scout Rifle.
Lol, your logic is boggling. Keep begging in the forums. Chances are they won't break as easily as your parents do though...
Begging for what? I'm not begging for anything. I couldn't care less if they allowed VoG Raid weapons to be upgraded or not. There's a reason why people want this to happen though: Those Raid weapons are exceptional, and they don't want their weapons to be rendered almost obsolete within the span of 1-2 months. [quote]Chances are they won't break as easily as your parents do though...[/quote] Not sure what you're trying to say here, but alright, I guess.