I have 71 legit ghosts. Ign has a video guide to get u into the 60's then there are 6 more ghosts in the dlc and then I found one on mars that wasnt on the video from ign.
Can't be. There was 62 ghosts. 6 from dlc made it 68. 3 are from citadel (unligit) makes it 71. And from what I can gather the other two are in Kings watch making it 73. So where are ppl getting 70 legit ones? Using the app the Topic poster listed says I have all ghosts? Man no idea why bungie didn't just make its own fcking tracker......
You can get 73 if you exploit your way into the places you're not supposed to go yet. Like The Citadel on Venus etc
Check it 74 ghosts wat wat yea true hunter up in here
75 :0
So 68 legit ones. 3 in citadel 2 in Kings watch?
I know there are 3 in The Terminus, not sure about Kings Watch.
I got the three in the terminus, my score went up but no cards unlocked. Do you think they will once house of wolves is released?