Wait for hard Crota and beat it, probably a couple times until you get the weapon you want, problem solved, if they made VOG weps 331 Crota hard weps would be a lot less fulfilling of an objective now wouldn't they?
I don't see your logic... All the weapons you buy in the tower are 331 so why don't they make the Crota weapons less appealing? VOG, Crota & Vanguard weapons are all legendary - why should the VOG set not get any of the 331 love when all the raid weapons are basically exotics in disguise?
Because of your last sentence that's why, because raid weps are a bump ahead of any other weapon in the game, because they have useful abilities while freeing up a slot for an exotic else where, it's a commodity that players should strive for, every raid, not simply handed because they have a crush on the previous raid weapons
Tower weapons don't do any elemental damage, and they generally don't have the cool perks that the raid weapon do.