I prefer my machine gun over rockets any day. Allows for even larger kill sprees.
Curious to see what others prefer out of the two...feel free to specify which weapon
Thunderlord is it, no other option
Yeah jolders hammer is the best heavy weapon for pvp, if you use anything else you're doing it wrong. High impact, low fire rate, easy precision kills, ammo for days and kill spree king.
Same, The Swarm or SGA atm. I'm currently leveling up a couple of new legendary MG's too. I always miss with rockets, but then I don't have Gjally either. I might change my mind if I ever get it.
I mostly use Jolder's Hammer but if I feel like using a rocket launcher, I switch over to Truth.
Jolders hammer, chaos for days
Machin guns definitely. Currently using my Deviant Gravity-A . Looking for Thunderlord though.
I just through corrective measure on yesterday. Yup that is the best heavy for pvp in the game I am sold. It is on same level as thunderlord.
All of the Swarms.
Another vote for thunderlord. With the field scout perk and a heavy ammo armor perk you can easily make it until the next drop without running out.
Jolders Hammer W/field scout or Truth
corrective measure
Prestige IV! Gimme that high RoF with an 87 magazine all day!
Swarm, prefer heavy machine guns in pvp, may switch up if I find another high impact heavy machine gun.
a Fat Chick is my go to heavy,(New DLC rocketlauncher)
Machine gun forever. Either Zombie Apocalypse, The Swarm, or occasionally Thunderlord!
Jolder's hammer
Jolder's hammer for smaller maps and crotas hunger for long range
Against All Odds
Corrective measue or now my Harms way with 100 round mag
truth or deviant gravity
Against All Odds hits like a tank mixed with a train
Harms way with good perks
On big maps I use Truth (mmmmm, homing) and on most closed maps, my 300 max Harms Way. It has no range but max stability and two useless perks :)
Da Truf
Jolder's Hammer with Rodeo, Feeding Frenzy and Perfect Balance. Even though mine is attack 300 it was eating faces in Iron Banner 3.0. The accuracy is outstanding.
Gjallarhorn for everything, even if its a waste in pvp