Nah, I just don't think the raid is fun. But it has materials I need for character progression so I take the shortest possible route and sample all the fine cheeses destiny has to offer ^_^
But you "l337 skilled MLG 360 YY ladder stall pros" keep jerking yourselves off because you do things the "right" way :)
We all have to have some sense of self worth right?
Noob the rihgt team and you done in 30 minutsa nd you work a littel bit on your team work skills
Show me a video of you completing the raid on 30 minutes and then you can pretend you're not talking out of your ass :)
Dont need a video we are profis at work 10 minuts lamps 10 minuts bridge 5 minuts for witch and 5 for crota on save way noooobbbbbiiiiii
Lol and I'm superman and I'm dating the tooth fairy, we can all talk out of our asses on the internet can't we? ;) Video or it didn't happen :)
Loser go cheesing me and my clan do this evrey week 3 times noob you can date your unicorn and try it when you get skill noooooobbbbbiiiiii
Video or it didn't happen :)
It's not about morality. When atheon was patched, no one knew how to kill him. Same goes with templar. This won't be any different.
It's not like it's hard to youtube "How to kill Crota" and figure it out xD I've done it once legitimately and after the thrill of doing it, all I care about now is the materials and the most efficient way of doing that is cheesing the hell out of crota :)