They need to have a way to make ascendant shards and energy convertable into eachother like how you use radiants wiyh eris. They also need to make it so that you can combine like 10+ of these into the next higher teir. So 10 ascendant shards plus 2500 glimmer=1 radiant shard.
I have been thinking the same thing. Bump!
I have 318 energy is pisses me off every time I see it.
You must be new or never raid. Running VoG weekly even on 1 character should leave you with plenty of mats.
I like the idea of trading ascendant energy for shards and vice versa but not using them to obtain radiant material. If they allowed ascendant to radiant conversion people would just blow through VOG normal sooo easily at higher levels to amass radiant mats. IMO it makes sense that you have to run the raid you acquired the armor from to level them up.
Or to convert your ascendants into radiants.
They won't do it, because it will make upgrading light armor too easy, they don't care about weapons though, that's why energy is a more common reward
Never going to happen. There are lots of guys like me who have 200 or 300 of the ascendant materials. They specifically created radiant materials to slow the progress of people with lots of extra ascendant materials.