I've noticed a lot of Destiny players here on the forum who can't distinguish between there, their and they're as well as between the words patience and patients. I, myself, was not even born or have ever lived (except for 3 months in Manchester, England) in a country with English as its official language and yet I can distinguish these words. Are there really that many rednecks out there?
If you have also encountered these 2nd graders who can't even spell simple words then share your (yes your not you're) story and the words they can't spell properly here, or their grammatical errors.
EDIT; Stop being butthurt, it's 2015 and I am suggesting you learn how to spell simple words. Google exists, dictionaries exist. It can't be that hard. Seriously.
Edited by reece!: 12/3/2015 3:57:44 AMNecrobump
I still freak out at it being 2015
I still freak out at it being 2015
Op bad grammar. Much hypocrite. Such sadness.
Lyke whuts ur problam man i talk haw i wunt foogot
Czechoslovakia b4 u wreckyoslovakia
And it seems like you can't tell the difference between "destiny users" and the flood. Leave, come back when you know who you are talking to.
Nah most of us are so advance at English that we came up with a new language called "deformed English"
Edited by DogChamp: 1/6/2015 4:07:57 PMThere: shows location: Let's go over there! Their: shows ownership: That is their game controller. They're: contraction of they are; They're all gamers. Your: shows ownership: Oh! Is this your chocolate bar? You're: contraction of you and are: You're such noob! Then: relates time: After we go to the store, then can we get some ice cream? Than: compares things: I am taller than you! Ironic: opposite of what is expected: How ironic is it that that firefighter became an arsonist? Coincidence: Things that may seem connected, but are not: Isn't it a coincidence how on my birthday, it always rains?
People who think Destiny is a good game are expected to be lacking in spelling and grammar. It's a stupid game for stupid people.
Same Not even from english speaking county's, but i'd agree, even if i say so myself, that i might have better grammar then some people in United kingdom, america etc.
Edited by Swiftlock: 1/6/2015 4:19:34 AMIt's a forum for a video game. I like nice grammar as well, but as long as I can make out what someone is saying, poor grammar doesn't bother me here.
And another thread is moved to its rightful place. Seriously, why is there so many offtopic threads in #destiny? Did they run out of things to talk about.
Desterny is teh bust gaim
U fokking wot m8? Me grammr is beter than yurz. I no how tu spel
Edited by dee: 1/6/2015 5:09:50 AMIt's no one's fault that you're a frustrated underachiever, that needs to compensate on some video game forum. Try to change your own being and surroundings instead of mocking others and pointing fingers, sir. Thank you!
[quote]I've noticed a lot of Destiny players here on the forum who can't distinguish between there, their and they're aswell as between the words patience and patients. I, myself am not even born or have ever lived (except for 3 months in Manchester, England) in a country with English as it's official language and I can distinguish these words. Are there really that many rednecks out there? If you have also encountered these 2nd graders can't even spell simple words then share your (yes your not you're) story and the words they can't spell properly here. Or their grammatical errors.[/quote] Education & Reading Comprehension: Proof that being relatively well-versed in a language, and understanding what someone is trying to communicate, is not always a blessing. Become a teacher, make that difference in someone's grammatical future...or fuss about it online, be mocked for such fussiness, respond with frustration, be reported & move on with your life; why limit yourself, do both! Become a frustrated teacher that tries to teach others that do not want to be taught! ;-) Bottom Line: Did you understand what they were saying? 1. Yes? Life is good. 2. No? Ask for clarification. 3. Repeat as needed. Note: An extremely small amount of the populace will respond with a heart-felt "Thank you!" for pointing out grammatical errors, unless they asked, in advance, for assistance in drafting their message. Understood? Makes you feel warm & fuzzy being in the spotlight concerning the arrogant phrasing of your opinion, yes? If not, keep that in mind before criticizing another, unless you feed off the irritation of others. :-)
Obviously you understand what they are saying so as if its a big deal.
I agree.. Spell how you please on the Internet, but if you're going to mix words up you're an idiot. Like I'm fine with people using "ur" but really? The examples you gave are great
Is underwear, not under where.
I thought this was about gaming.....
Yes! There was one troll who confused the contraction it's with the possesive its. It was rather funny when read it to myself: "a country with English as it is official language." He also had serious problems with tense "was not even born", and appropriate idiom "yet I can distinguish." As for the finer points, he showed little indication that he understood the role of the comma in seperating sub-clauses. It was as if he was punctuating with a pre buff Super Good Advice. Poor kid. On the whole his prose was entirely abominable. On top of all this, his tagging left much be desired. He left out #asinine #attention #whore.
Took this guy an hour to proof read his own post.
Edit *dictionaries exist.* But I agree with you :)
Lol it's the internet dick bag. People will spell however they want