im trying to upgrade atheons ep all the way so i can get thorn but is atheons ep good and worth it
Only good for oracles, thorn bounty, and void burn.
It's good for vault and nightfalls that have void burn, as the only void primary so far I would say yes it's worth upgrading.
It is and it isn't....outside of the VoG and Void burn Nightfall/Weekly Strikes it kinda sucks....BUT it absolutely melts Oracles in the VoG and is just nasty with a Void burn. If you have a good stash of ascendant energy, go for it.
Ascendents are easy to come by so I would level it just for nightfall.
If you play the vault regularly yes it's worth it. As far as PvP goes it's only slightly decent for the thorn bounty. I wouldn't use it regularly in PvP though.