When playing on firebase Delphi under no circumstance should you go after the b flag when the c flag is under your control. When playing with randoms it just isn't possible to hold for an extended period of time when you are spawning c side. For this reason solely go after the a capture point as having a makes it infinitely easier to both capture and hold b. I'm tired of seeing people throw themselves over and over again fruitlessly at the b flag while I'm trying to sole cap a. Go after A! A side spawns are infinitely better. I've turned around so many losing games by switching the spawns.
The same could be said for blind watch. C side spawns are really the only way to win. If you have A only go after C, ignore b in its entirety.
Same note for shores of times. C side spawns are the only way you are going to win. If you have a side spawns, only go after c. It is that simple.
Someone who is tired of losing games because teammates don't understand that you just simply can't win you have the bad spawns.
Edited by RENEG4DE 4NGEL: 1/7/2015 3:08:48 AMI never quit out of Crucible games, but this weekend I did. I just had had enough of being the only person to understand this stuff: If you have the "win zones" capped (i.e. A&B in Rusted Lands) and you go to cap the remaining spawn, you are forcing the enemy team to stop spawning there and start spawning behind you. Please, just hold two zones and "control" where your enemy spawns. 75 points for you to cap a bad zone does not balance out with the deaths it will cost to get the "win zones" back.
Buuuuuuuuuump this
I'm starting to get it,thanks for the info
Edited by Kangol: 1/5/2015 4:52:26 AMI'm with you on this 100%.