So tell me the story in detail! (Not extreme detail) how you lost your V-card! Aka virginity aka broken hymen aka no more blue balls.
Edit: guys I get it saying "sex" and trying to be a smartass is so wild,rebellious, and oh so clever but c'mon stfu.
Edit: some really interesting ways you guys lost your virginity also some surprisingly young ages when losing it and also just some bull shit stories keep em coming!
Edit: anymore super original shrek stories? No? Okay Kool.
[spoiler] me 17 her 19 her house her room bada Bing bada boom[/spoiler] [spoiler]on second thought in extreme detail heh[/spoiler]
Back in 11th grade I got invited to spend Valentine's Day at my gfs house in Atlanta. We both attended a boarding school in Tennessee, so I was looking forward to getting out for 48 hours. Of course I fully intended to get laid before I got back; I would have been crazy not to. Anyway my gfs mom watched us like a hawk the entire time, but I was patient; she had to fall sleep eventually. My gf texted me around 2-3 in the morning telling me to come to her room. Problem was, I was sleeping in the guest bedroom right next to her moms bedroom, and my gfs room was on the opposite side of the house. Fortunately I have experience sneaking around old colonial style houses, so I just took my time tip toeing and opening the door. Her mom snored like a chainsaw, so I had an early warning in case she woke up. Then the door squeaked and I heard the snoring stop. I must have stood there frozen in place holding my breath for ten minutes. When I was sure she was still asleep, I finished going through the door and was home free. Honestly I have no idea how much time passed in my girls room. I think it was somewhere between 15-45 minutes. In hindsight I could have gone longer, but by the end I was so paranoid about getting caught I started hearing things. My quest completed, I snuck back across the house. My journey back was flawlessly executed, and I slept like a baby that night.