Interstellar raiders is looking for mature members - Hey all just transitioning from 360 to One so I started a new group with a few buddies with clan intentions. We are a mature, 420 friendly group that raids often (multiple times weekly). I have a 31 Warlock and a 29 Titan and willing to help out. No minimum level requirements. Add jcustance for recruitment.
*Bump* we grew our numbers to about 15 last week and hopefully more in the future. 420 friendly, helpful, raiding clan looking to add to their ranks!
Yall seem like pretty chill ppl. I would be down to join up with you guys but I'm an admin for my clan already. I'm always looking for chill ppl to play with tho. Feel free to add me. GT is the same as name. typically play after 7 PST I crack jokes occasionally but I'm definitely a serious raider. Looking forward to playing with you guys! 31 Titan 31 Hunter 19 Warlock
Digging this vibe from over in west aus. Got 29 warlock. Lemme know if this is doable :p
How do I join the group. 29 Titan first character and building a warlock. Still fairly new player. But always down to play even just to help out.
[quote]Interstellar raiders is looking for mature members - Hey all just transitioning from 360 to One so I started a new group with a few buddies with clan intentions. We are a mature, 420 friendly group that raids often (multiple times weekly). I have a 31 Warlock and a 29 Titan and willing to help out. Add jcustance for recruitment.[/quote] Im a level 23 Warlock @-@ could i join maybe? Looking for a small group and would enjoy to grow with this group since the beginning
Bought myself an XB1 and Destiny for Xmas and have only been playing a week, so my hunter is only L28 atm. So if you rank 'mature' players based on age I'm fairly certain i'll be one of the most mature players you encounter while console gaming, but to be had me at 420 friendly. Holler at me on Wednesday, I should be on.