As the title says, you are now the main character in the last game you played. :P
Who are you, I'm the Courier from Fallout NV :3
I'm Amanda Ripley from Alien isolation idk if that's a good thing or a bad thing because I haven't finished the game so please don't spoil it.
Edited by Kekyoin's Underwater Donut: 1/3/2015 12:27:22 PM[quote]I'm the Courier from Fallout NV[/quote] Well ain't that a kick in the head...
Edited by Abaddon: 1/3/2015 4:34:03 PMChosen Undead
I'm Corvo, good thing I decided to replay dishonored yesterday
Minecraft Boba Fett. Interesting...
Edited by Legend To None: 1/3/2015 5:21:41 PMAw I'm a Guardian...
Edited by Goat Whisperer: 1/3/2015 5:08:29 PMNoble 6, dang, why did I decide to replay reach last night? I could've been Big boss.
...let's see...I was playing 3 games at the same time. So am I a security guard, a pokemon trainer, or that Alex taylor guy? You know, the guy from the crew, his brother got shot? [spoiler]the crew was on pause, I was attempting 4/20 on mobile, and I was doing a pokemon battle on my 3DS. That's how bored I was. Multitasking FTW! [/spoiler]
I'm a football, fifa
The driver guy from Forza Horizon 2. So me?
Talion from Shadow of Mordor.
So one of three of my guardians. Hmmmmmm.
Bruce Wayne dwarf from DAI
Who is the main character in TF2? I'm guessing all the classes then so, scout.
...Kirby from Super Smash Bros? I can live with that. [spoiler]KIRBY 4 LYFE[/spoiler]
Ajay Ghale. Umm, yay?
Jason Brody from Farcry 3 :3
An eleven inquisitor from dragon age
um, a Nekros...?
Commander Shepard. Lets turnip gayz.
[i]"Sing us one about the Jackdaw lads" "The worst old ship that ever did sail, sailed out of Harwich on a windy day"[/i]
Edited by TwoWheeledTrike: 1/3/2015 3:33:29 PMWell...looks like I'm Elizabeth [spoiler]bioshock infinite: burial at sea[/spoiler]
I am mister chief
Tiz Arrior, Bravely Default. Time to go be haunted and depressed...