It's the best gun in the game earn the damn thing don't bank on getting it the EASY way
Earned by RNG ha ha you earn coins so either way it's earned
Coins are too easy to get i have 217 strange coins, play the game enough to get one
0.0 holy shit I only have a few, though it seems bungie has made coins a bit easier to get recently, cuz now I don't have to do weekly to get any anymore
You only have about 10 days between ALL of your characters. I have more but STILL haven't gotten gjallarhorn. (4 icebreakers, 5 thunderlord and almost every other exotic). I guess I need to "play more" huh?
Guess so
I hope he sells it, not just so I can buy it, but because the forum will flood with the tears of unfathomable sadness from all the gjallarhorn "earners".
I got mine from VoG.. What you're saying is idiotic tho.. Getting it from RNG is not earning it, lol. Some people might never get something they want because of RNG. It's completely random if you get it. EARNING it would be working towards getting it. Kind of like the exotic bounties.
After 200 hours of play time have I not adequately "earned" whatever Xur ends up selling? Clarify the rules, oh master and creator of true earners.