So flood what and how much are you drinking tonight? Any new years plans? I'm staying home got tequila, vodka, beer, JD, and wine with some friends over it'll be a fun night, happy early new years flood!
I just smoked and now...I'm ready to eat a grand meal lol
Playing Mario kart, super smash, and maybe some others while drinking and smoking some bud. Happy new years.
I'm having some "champagne"
Have work in the morning. No Funtime for me
I'm drink af
I will be drinking tonight and gaming. So watch out for a drunk driver On GTA V ONLINE...DESTINY and drunk fighting in INJUSTICE
•>• ~
If you aren't drinking, you're a fgt
I don't like alcohol. Also kind of sick so that would be especially stupid of me if I did drink tonight
Getting wasted on the sweet Budweiser of the Lord god bless
IM SOOOOO WASTEEEED [spoiler]*cries alone into glass of code red*[/spoiler] [spoiler]kidding it's water[/spoiler] [spoiler]:([/spoiler]