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12/31/2014 7:50:16 AM

Poll: Is the current Blind Watch a good Control map?

Yes, it's perfectly fine how it is now


Yes, but it needs some tweaks


No, the Spawn Points/Zone heavy favour one side of the map


No, the old map was far better


guardians, I come to you to argue for change with the Blind Watch map in Control mode. while I may have missed the memo on why the control locations and spawn points were altered, the current state of this once glorious battlefield is a distressing one indeed. I remember a time my cold, dead hunter heart used to warm and my face crack into a smile when the words 'Blind Watch' lit up across my screen; now there is only the despairing release of 'argh...' The Problems: Most maps have a nice balance when it comes to starting position, in that there are paths of similar distance and access to reach the hotly contested 'B' zone. This is no longer the case here. With the B one having been moved to stair side corridor, there is heavy weighting towards the C spawn team. team A begins in a cage, staring the wrong direction towards A point, whereas C team spawns standing next to C point and staring at a jump window and ground floor door they need only run straight for. In addition, A team will always spawn at the A side of there starting side of the map, this gives massive problems for bottle necking the assault towards B. the diversity required to split the C side defensive position camping is hard to come by with everyone spawning at the same position. the original launch Blind Watch was far more spread and all the better for it. as touched on above, there are very simple ways for the C side team to simply dig in and hold B+C. Many games I've been involved with have gone this way, with only the odd C point control change Occurring. snipe camping the staircase access to B spawn, hanging out the other side of doors with shotguns, positioning at entranceway a and boxes with aimed death at the ready for the 2 ways someone can enter towards B. it is a Hopeless slaughter of bambis with very few options other than ride out the time needed to lose or, as observed many times now, watch A spawn players rage quit. Deej, Bungie, Gaurdians, I implore you to change Blind Watch back to it's former, more balance glory. whatever balancing experiment this change was supposed to be has changed this map into an incontestable exercise in futility, linear in approach and unenjoyable in execution. it is a glaring blemish on an otherwise solid offering of PVP experiences. ultimately, I put it to the community to vote and cast their opinion on the state of this map. I thank you all for reading, and hope to see you out in a changes crucible soon.

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  • At the very least open the goddamn window back up, and move the -blam!-ing boxes blocking line of sight across the map on said window. This used to be one of the only maps where every weapon could be good, and probably the only one that was consistently enjoyable. Seriously what was the thought process on this idea? There wasn't one, was there? Bad enough many of the maps are close range cluster-blam!-s where everyone runs around with shotguns and ARs like decapitated chickens. This map is now bad and you should all feel bad.

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