I think the gamepad is perfect for a game like this. Obviously, there would have to be better online, and a better controller, but thinking of always having your menu right there below you sounds amazing, so you can change your guns on the fly. Does anybody agree with me? Let's get some love for the Wii U.
Lenny owns a Wii U ⊂_ヽ L \\ E \ ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) < ⌒ヽN / へ\ N / / \\ Y レ ノ ヽ_つ / / / / ( (ヽ | |、\ | 丿 \ ⌒) | | ) / `ノ ) Lノ (_ )
Edited by Obo Bobbins: 12/31/2014 5:59:46 AMWhat's a Wii U? [spoiler]#sarcasam[/spoiler]
I think your mother would be great on wii u
Yeah and you can add in the ability to buy tampons from the vanguard vendor.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!.oh man,I haven't heard a good joke in awhile,thanks.
Said no one ever.
Lol Nintendo games are for kids. Destiny is too violent for kids.
Well, we would have been able to play over Christmas.
Can I have it on 3ds then?
Not until Nintendo pulls their head out of their ass and gets their shit straight it won't.
It probably wouldn't be too difficult to port the ps3/360 version. But honestly Wii u is the black sheep and is still a last gen console. Its not gonna happen. What they could do though is just add smartglass support. Would love to have my inventory on my iPad.
A great idea. It is not just the wii U that could take advantage of this. Ps4 has great integration between there line of sony whatever phones and the vita. Aside from that, the app available for our smart phone would do the trick just perfect. Imagine logging into destiny, launching an app on your phone, and having your entire menu right there. Roster, gear, inventory, settings. All of it.
#+1 great joke man