I think the title speaks for itself but for those who don't have a clue, this is what's being suggested:
The Crucible and Vanguard marks go out way too easily and the cap is too large. The cap should be lowered to around 100 a week and the vendors should only sell certain items every day like 1 armor piece or 2. I think seeing all these lvl 31's running around with Vanguard gear didnt earn their lvl, they aren't earners.
You should be limited to no more than 1 armor piece a week and only 2 gun drops. The real purpose is to distribute the new materials so we can lvl up our gear.
Drop Rates:
The drop rates are extremely high for their own good and I would suggest only handing out a Legendary once every two months. Remove the Legendary reward from the Cryptarch and the faction packages.
This game made it too easy for new players to rank up and some of us are left behind in all of the fun.