Hi Bungie! I just want you to fix one thing about the Crucible reward system. Sometimes when I get first place in my table for Control or Clash or something like that, some dude at the bottom will get an exotic like Truth or Monte Carlo (Yes. I have seen this happen). Could you please make it a tiny bit easier for the guys who worked hard to get to the top to get exotics or legendary engrams? By no means am I asking you to give us an exotic every other round, but just a bit easier. Thank you!
They could easily fix this. Keep the same RNG formula for the drops.... But only allow the person with the most kills to get an exotic. And only allow the top 2 or 3 to get legendaries. I went 17-3 in skirmish and watched someone on my team go 5-9 and he got Gjallarhorn. That's just plain stupid, he did not contribute at all to anything and got the best weapon in the game.