But it's not cheating, get it through your thick skulls, if you really think the mg from the raid will give u an advantage in crucible, if say your wrong, it's too unstable, the hunger of crota is ok, but there are many launchers just as good, bottom line is it does not affect you on any way unless you are on a team where 5 players are doing it and you do not want to, in that case leave, ask the question before the raid starts, but seriously grow the f up, who cares about this game anyhow
you do or you wouldnt be wasting your time on here spouting nonsense about it
Of course I do, why not, work smarter not harder, don't worry the world needs ditch diggers too for all you people living in black n white with no clue
i dont see black and white and neither do you. doing it legit=white, spamming grenades to push a boss=middle ground, network manipulation=black. you just want the easy way out of every thing no matter what.
Yes in a "video game" (mind u) with no matchmaking I will take the easy way out