Actually why pull the cord? are you in the 80s? Turn off your net card in your options... but yeah again, first AAA online game i've seen that bugs when someone disconnects. The game feels a lot more like an offline game that wants to be an online game... (specially with glitches like this)
i guess youve never played a game that REQUIRES an ALWAYS ONLINE connection...
Are you a -blam!-in idiot, that should apply to you, does a boss in a gw2 dungeon glitch when someone leaves the party or loses connection? nope. Does this shit happen in WoW? nope. Everquest? Nope... Wildstar? NOPE! and the list can go on.... (Did you know gw2 handles disconnects by leaving you in the group and allowing you to get back into the instance when you get back in, on top of the dungeons not bugging) So yeah, I've played many games that require online connections, and your sorry ass never did from the looks of it
first and foremost none of the games you mentioned are on consoles. secondly all of them have been out for more than 4 months. either way there is no world in which glitching crota by disconnecting the party leader from the internet is not considered network manipulation and network manipulation is against the rules. end of story
[quote]first and foremost none of the games you mentioned are on consoles. secondly all of them have been out for more than 4 months.[/quote] So? Are they not online games? And I thought your argument was that I didn't know anything about online games. I also see you have not even addressed your lack of experience with online games. (let me help you here, take your hands off your keyboard, go to your mommy, and cry that I'm bullying you with facts) [quote]by disconnecting the party leader from the internet is not considered network manipulation[/quote] No. Disconnects can happen and should not affect the state of the game that is controlled by the server. Poor implementation I've never seen in an online game (for the 1000th time) Unless you actually have a decent response to the following arguments, replying will reward you with muting. Good luck guardian (might wanna change that diaper of yours, it started leaking)
Let me know when to get to crota as a fireteam leader, I'll ddos your home network causing the glitch. (No I won't, but your counter argument sucks balls, so what if they have been out for more than 4 months, its at the very basics of the design of an online game....destiny is the only AAA online game that bugs when someone disconnects)