the hardest game I've played is the original Mario!
Edit 1: Thanks for all the replies guys! 300+ and counting I love it!
Edit 2: 500+ hole cow thanks guys! keep posting!
Edit 3: .........1000+........COMMENTS
Edit 4 I hear 2000 calling my name!
Dark souls
Marble madness was so annoying
Probably crotas end boss fight on hard. But that could just be because of all the glitches.
A PC game called 'Unfair Mario'. You [b][i][u]HAVE[/u][/i][/b] to try it out!!!!!!
Halo 2 legendary >Jackal Snipers
For me its: Battle toads Shadowman64 Ghosts and Goblins And there was another galaga-esque type game that you had to switch your ships shields between black and white depending on who your fighting (or something like that. Its been years). Can't remember what it was called.
Ghosts and Goblins
Destiny You never win you just do a little bit better every time
Ninja Gaiden or Shinobi for NES. Not sure which one is harder but they're both near impossible.
I Wanna Be The Guy. I have two saves, one at Mike Tyson and the other at Hulk-Zangief. I think it might actually be one of the most challenging games ever made.
Ninja Gaiden
Demon souls- I was new to the series didn't know what to expect. Dark souls - hard af lol Dark souls 2 - developers are douches Dantes inferno on inferno Last of us on grounded Mgs2 on extreme Mgs3 on extreme Mgs4 on liquid extreme Spelunky Cod : Waw on veteran These were the hardest I could think of, probably more but these were control breaking, angry at life hard lol
Dead space 2 on hard core mode It's a pretty long game and you get only three saves and no checkpoints
Mega Man: Team Colonel Tried to pass it 100%, killing all the hidden bosses and unlocking rare chips. [spoiler]To the point I became obsessed, and gave the game away. [/spoiler]
The original Donkey Kong, never even beat the first level
Beat Taeja once and I applaud you. Dafuq is this shit? How do? I could never even leave Platinum league in matchmaking, much less do that shit.
Trying to do super Mario sunshine 100%.
Mario Bros 2 or shadow of mordor
Spec ops the line on the hardest difficulty
Stupid dark souls I always die and can't dodge at all
TES IV: Oblivion Maxed Difficulty right out the gate. No mods
Doctors and nurses. With my cousin. [spoiler]we're both men[/spoiler]
Bravely default
Natural doctrine