the hardest game I've played is the original Mario!
Edit 1: Thanks for all the replies guys! 300+ and counting I love it!
Edit 2: 500+ hole cow thanks guys! keep posting!
Edit 3: .........1000+........COMMENTS
Edit 4 I hear 2000 calling my name!
Ninja gaiden and Rtype
Contra, hands down
coll of dooty
Twisted metal I
Ninja gaiden 2. That game was old school hard
Mega Man 2
Edited by Kaladin: 9/13/2015 1:01:00 PMMega man :(
Edited by iced_out_claymore: 9/13/2015 12:47:20 PMcall of booty black cocks 2 on veteran difficulty
Contra on NES without the Konami code.
Another World Remastered
Probably SMT IV
People saying Souls didn't play it enough.
Monster Hunter Freedom Unite
Demon souls
Edited by ghostirq: 9/13/2015 3:21:01 AMDelta Force, and MoHWF (try to do it on hardcore difficulty)
I wanna be the boshy
Ghosts n goblins. Fūck that game.
Pokemon sapphire. I was stuck for 7 years wondering how I cross the river until I finally went back to Norman's gym and get surf. [spoiler]my starter was lv 50 by that time[/spoiler]
Ninja gaiden black on master ninja difficulty almost sent me insane
Ninja gaiden on the hardest difficulty, and the evil within.
Halo ce library on legendary
HALO 3 legendary
Try to do baldurs gate 2 on hardcore mode... Basically impossible
Edited by D1ll0n_FST: 9/8/2015 4:29:46 AMThe last of us, on grounded. I used videos for some parts, but I beat a majority of the game just by using the experience I have gained through 5 or so playthroughs. And even then it was just so difficult, not so much because of supplies but combat was so hard to get through mainly just because you died so easy. EDIT: This posted twice for some reason?