Made this cause I never saw a XBOX ONE ONLY. Make sure to post GT, Lvl, Class, and the difficulty some ppl may want to do the highest but may not be able to do it solo. Lets help each other out.
GT: Js2Death
Lvl: 40
Class: 316 Hunter, 312 Warlock & Titan
Mode: Nightfall, Heroics & Daily
If you ever want help follow me on Twitch at to see what I am doing before spamming invites and messages. Im on Mon-Fri after 7 p.m EST. Most weekends im on after 3 p.m off at 10 p.m sometimes later
Need 1 for heroic, on boss for shield brothers Must be at least 250 light lvl Msg for invite
Looking for 2 people to do the daily Must be light 220+ GT: Schorer5
Lf 2 guardians with light levels around 280 to run sum heroic vanguard strikes with add quad_schofield
Edited by Nate: 9/17/2015 2:35:07 AMNeed 1 at boss of daily. 240/250 light if possible Msg Kalkasaurus for invitr
283 warlock lf nightfall gt mytholaian914
Need 1 for nightfall lvl 270 light and above. Message in game for inv. Gt mente got em
lvl 40 Titan Light 235 Need some 1 to carry for weekly and night fall get same as above
248 light warlock lvl 40 for the daily mission. Gt is ebil donut
Need 2 for nightfall. Must be at least 270
Lv 40 light 249 Titan looking for nightfall grp GT same as name can carry my own weight
Doing daily message XxlebeauxX for invite
Lvl 284 looking to do nightfall gt: XShinychickenX
279 warlock lf nf crew inv me or comment
Need one 270+ for nightfall halfway through tag is name add me
Need one for daily Gt amar3007
At Darkblade Need two for heroic light 250+ Message me on xbox for invite
Need 1 for nf gt above
Tier 3 of court of oryx need team. Should be like 270 or up...its pretty hard. Gt sane as above
At Darkblade Need two for heroic light 150+
One for nightfall
not going to lie im looking for a carry through nightfall im 257 light..wipl give everything i got lol gt kingtee544
Need 2 lvl 40 with 275+ light for Nf. GT: Eternal Hail
not going to lie im looking for a carry through nightfall im 257 light..wipl give everything i got lol gt kingtee544
On light 260+ strike. At final boss, the big shank. Need 1 person, msg Wilsoc1 for invite. Rewards legendary engram at the end. Must be 260+ light.
240 light, looking for someone to help with daily mission. Please message me on xbox live for an invite.
Need 2 260+ for nightfall msg stax fatality