Made this cause I never saw a XBOX ONE ONLY. Make sure to post GT, Lvl, Class, and the difficulty some ppl may want to do the highest but may not be able to do it solo. Lets help each other out.
GT: Js2Death
Lvl: 40
Class: 316 Hunter, 312 Warlock & Titan
Mode: Nightfall, Heroics & Daily
If you ever want help follow me on Twitch at to see what I am doing before spamming invites and messages. Im on Mon-Fri after 7 p.m EST. Most weekends im on after 3 p.m off at 10 p.m sometimes later
Nightfall on boss Need 1
269 light hunter looking for nightfall group
240light Titan looking to do DAILY HERIOC invite me
Need two for daily possibly heroic message xi exitwound ix for invite
Need 2 for daily heroic mission. Send messages for invites!
Need 2 for nightfall. I'm level 257 but I'll hold my own... Message tacticaltrippy for invite!!
Need 2 for heroic
Inv for NIghtfall! 287 Light Titan!
Need 2 for nightfall 270+ light Sunsingers or Defenders Message fxak for invite
If you need one invite me please Lt Absul
Need 1 for nightfall Gt: Shortgaze
Need 2 for weekly strikes 240+ gt ElectricBlaze
Edited by THE1URBANTERROR: 9/17/2015 3:33:49 AMLevel 231 titan looking for assistance in completing 5(even JUST 1!) heroic strikes from people willing to help. Needs people level 260+ to invite me please! GT: THE1URBANTERROR
Need 2 for Daily Gt: ShortGaze
LFM 255+ light for heroic strikes GT: Bi6daddy 576
Level 273 Titan looking for night fall and heroic. Send inv.
Light level 248 just need some good gear from this gt above
Need 2 for daily message 4 inv
Need 2 for daily! Definitely going to need some help
Need two for the daily. Message for inv. Gt same as name.
Need 1 for nightfall! Hurry and msg me or xBeastman35 to join us
220 light warlock looking for daily
Wanting to run the night fall real quick. Invite me gt same as above
I'm looking to run nightfall I'm 40 hunter with 260 light and I do good though lol invite me I need help higher light is better
Looking to join someone to do the daily
Need 2 for nf message user