Made this cause I never saw a XBOX ONE ONLY. Make sure to post GT, Lvl, Class, and the difficulty some ppl may want to do the highest but may not be able to do it solo. Lets help each other out.
GT: Js2Death
Lvl: 40
Class: 316 Hunter, 312 Warlock & Titan
Mode: Nightfall, Heroics & Daily
If you ever want help follow me on Twitch at to see what I am doing before spamming invites and messages. Im on Mon-Fri after 7 p.m EST. Most weekends im on after 3 p.m off at 10 p.m sometimes later
Need one more 275+ light level for nightfall
Looking to do the daily. Message on Xbox for invite.
Need one to do hard vanguard strikes must be 260 or higher plz msg iElite Phantom for inv
Need 1 for nightfall. We are on last part. Please be Lvl 160 or higher. Msg Kiknazntaknnamz for invite.
283 titan can assist in nightfalls. Won't carry you though. Gt same as above.
271 hunter LF nightfall message for invite GT Wretch3d3gg
286 def Titan with st-14 lf nightfall gt above
267 Hunter looking to do nightfall
Need two for Entropy's Pinnacle Message GT above for invite
looking for team to do nightfall. light level 254 warlock
Need two with 280+ light for nightfall run. Send me a message gt is same as name.
Mr numwalrus 40 warlock 236 light Weekly heroic on Xbox one maybe daily after Please msg me on xbox for an invite!
Need one with 280 light Weekly heroic strike Or 260
Looking for one more for the NIGHTFALL with 280 or higher light. Message JSTONE913 for inv. Please meet requirement
Looking for two to run the daily mission. Message above gt for invite. Xbox one.
Need 2 for daily. I'm at final boss. GT same as above
Edited by FantazticFox: 9/17/2015 4:29:30 AMNeed 1 for NF. (No Mic) light level 270+ message gt MrAwesomeZach for an invite.
Looking for two to run the daily mission. Message above gt for invite. Xbox one.
Need one more for Nf . Already halfway finished
Need 1 for Nightfall, message in game for invite
Need 1 for NightFall, gt - tankylee at least have 280 light plz
Need one with 280 light Weekly heroic strike
Running daily. I'm already at final boss. GT same as above
Looking for one more for NIGHT FALL. message JSTONE913 for inv
Running daily. Could use some help. I've already started. Send me a message and I'll invite you. GT is the same.
Need a Fireteam for weekly heroic strike Please be at least LL 260 Msg me or inv me Gt: Vulcan Maximum