Made this cause I never saw a XBOX ONE ONLY. Make sure to post GT, Lvl, Class, and the difficulty some ppl may want to do the highest but may not be able to do it solo. Lets help each other out.
GT: Js2Death
Lvl: 40
Class: 316 Hunter, 312 Warlock & Titan
Mode: Nightfall, Heroics & Daily
If you ever want help follow me on Twitch at to see what I am doing before spamming invites and messages. Im on Mon-Fri after 7 p.m EST. Most weekends im on after 3 p.m off at 10 p.m sometimes later
Need one for Daily Heroic Strike Must be at least 260 light lvl At the last part with the boss GT: DRAGONPROJECT MESSAGE FOR INVITE
Need one for daily heroic, we are at the end msg tadtwisted
Doing daily heroic story MESSAGE ME FOR INV GT SAME AS ABOVE
Need one for daily for box one. We are on the boss and need help. Message datsyuksfinest
Lvl 267 looking for daily,strike, or nf
Doing the nightfall need one more message OUTRATED BRUIN0 for invite
Any 260+ wanting to help 2 250s through the vanguard heroic? Gt: WillTwerkForUAV. We know what we're doing please be 260+ to help
Need two for nightfall 280+ I'm 291 light hunter Gamer tag: fibeto
Need the night fall done 284 light with 280 damage exotic
Need one for Daily Heroic Strike Must be at least 240 GT: DRAGONPROJECT MESSAGE FOR INVITE
Need 2 for daily. Message for imvite
Half way through daily need one
On shield brothers boss, message gt above for invite
Looking to do the Daily. Hunter with Max GunslingerBladedancer and can make orbs in Nightstalker. Max light 217. GT is NightLockD12. Message me or send inv
Looking for two people around 280+ light to help me get through nightfall. Currently 254. If you would like to help inv or msg HidingInLA
Running daily. I'm 220 but experienced. Middle of mission. Message for invite. Paladin 119
Need 1 to grind weekly heroics must be a 250+ light message for a invite gt same as above.
Looking for nightfall I'm a light level 280 Hunter GT: I'm Caezus
Hosting daily must be above 240 message me above
Nightfall need 1 must be 280+
Hosting daily must be above 240 message me above
Doing daily message for invite
need on for weekly. at brothers. msg mungBUBBLE
Need 1 240+ Lite for Heroic Strike.. At final Boss aka SHEILD Brothers! message Synergy lx
Need two for daily heroic story. Please have at least 240 light
Edited by Ambition lx: 9/17/2015 5:55:54 AMNeed one for shield brothers strike. At the boss, light lvl 240+ Message on Xbox one, MosDef lx