Made this cause I never saw a XBOX ONE ONLY. Make sure to post GT, Lvl, Class, and the difficulty some ppl may want to do the highest but may not be able to do it solo. Lets help each other out.
GT: Js2Death
Lvl: 40
Class: 316 Hunter, 312 Warlock & Titan
Mode: Nightfall, Heroics & Daily
If you ever want help follow me on Twitch at to see what I am doing before spamming invites and messages. Im on Mon-Fri after 7 p.m EST. Most weekends im on after 3 p.m off at 10 p.m sometimes later
Need one for daily mission boss. Message FailingStars for invite
Lvl 40 / 271 lock lfg for nightfall Gt same as above
Need 2 for daily gt: fps Jeff
Anyone looking to do the daily? Message me
Night fall must have 270 light or higher message Volcanics
Need one more for the nightfall msg gt above for invite
Level 40/280 Warlock looking to do nightfall, invite me gt SS Valkyrie6
Level 40/280 Warlock looking to do nightfall, invite me gt SS Valkyrie6
Need 2 for daily heroic stike msg I fifty I for an inv
Need 1 light lvl 270 or higher for nightfall msg on Xbox gt:apar1cio
Looking to do nightfall with some awesome peeps. :) Gamertag: Kunexis Lv / light: 40 / 278 Console: Xboxone
HELP! I am at the last boss on the daily mission. I can't do it alone I need 2 people above lvl 200 light to join me. Message: Sniper Fi9932
Night fall invite me maybe iam 250 light
Need 1 for Daily just started! 240+ Light message GT above for invite
Looking for one or two to complete the daily XB1 GT same
Need one for nf 270+ light gt above
Need one more nf 270+
Xb1 gt same as name looking for daily 263 light
Need 1 around 290 light to help me with chaperone strike
[quote]Made this cause I never saw a XBOX ONE ONLY. Make sure to post GT, Lvl, Class, and the difficulty some ppl may want to do the highest but may not be able to do it solo. Lets help each other out. GT: Js2Death Lvl: 32 Class: Hunter Diff: Nightfall, 30 Heroic, 30 Daily If you ever want help follow me on Twitch at to see what I am doing before spamming invites and messages. Im on Mon-Fri after 7 p.m EST. Most weekends im on after 3 p.m off at 10 p.m sometimes later[/quote] Doing nfall again 286light invite me cheers
Looking for night fall 271 lock message me on xbox. One x pain ninja
250 light need to do nightfall plezz be good
255 titan looking to do daily and then some heroics.....message me for invite gt is username or invite me
280 warlock looking for nightfall. Invite SnH point
274 warlock need two for nightfall gt as above must have 270 light or more please
275 hunter looking to nightfall, very experienced GT = PerFecT x FeedS