So sick of dealing with people like this. The guy just stopped playing in the second part of the strike, which happens to be 95% of the randoms I get paired up with. Honestly, I get more people who do absolutely nothing than who actually play. Anyway, I then get the message that I linked. The third guy in the strike used a rocket on that large group of thralls that runs into the room at the beginning of the Omnigul strike....I have no idea why it made this giraffe douche so angry, but he messaged the wrong person crying like a bitch. Please, please, please give us solo strikes so I don't have to deal with twats like this guy.
You're so bitter you actually made a post? This is too funny. Did you also mention that you acted like an ass the rest of the time while me an other dude finished it for you? No, just gonna keep bitching? Keep sending private messages stalker.