Mythoclast is a guarenteed 1/6 drop and if it chooses a guardian who already is locked out of loot, it doesn't drop as it would have been given to him.
No idea on Fatebringer. I got it, but it doesn't seem to high of a chance.
Its not gaureteed. I've seen 2 drop at once and I've seen none drop for anyone all 3 runs back to back.
Got fatebringer first time, vex just dropped the other day
This isn't true. I've seen everybody get a drop from Atheon but the Vex not drop.
Weird. I've seen it drop 99% of all my Hard Mode runs (about 30 of my 72 clears). Could be wrong then, but it's a pretty damn likely drop for someone in the group. You judt gotta hope it'd you.