So I was in a fireteam earlier today, because this one guy wanted me to help him finish an Exotic bounty. He, a Level 31, was desperate for help, so I thought I'd help out by grabbing a few more Level 30s from Tower and then we could go try-- however when we got to orbit, one of the guys said that I shouldn't help on this mission, as I was only a Level 29 and we were going to be on an Epic modifier for the Summoning Pits (we were trying to get Thorn). I completely understood why the guy would feel that way; I wouldn't want a lower level player on a raid with us.
However, I just don't understand. Do higher level players (ie 30 and 31) do THAT much more damage than closer, yet lower level players (ie 29)? I'm still new to the cooperative scene on Destiny, so I was just wondering.
Does it have anything to do with the Level Advantages mentioned with Crucible?
Each level you are lacking behind an enemy you deal %20 less damage and they do %20 more damage.
That guy was just a dick. A lvl 29 can hold there own on a 26 strike just as much as a 31 can. Its about the player not the lvl. That guy was probably shit.
Being as that is a level 26 strike. That person was just a dick. Probably a bad player and didn't want to be shown up by a level 29
It depends on what you're doing man. With raids, it's best to hit the lvl cap. It's not required. But people will be more likely to choose you in a fireteam, and you'll deal with enemies a bit easier. In crucible, the Iron Banner is the only thing where player lvl makes a difference. It's not much, but it's somewhat noticeable after a little while. If those two things don't mean much to you, then don't bother lvling up high. I always stay right below the lvl cap. I don't have to deal with armor I worked hard for becoming obsolete and all that jazz you see people complaining about. Everyone calls vendor gear users, "scrubs" but we're playing smarter than raiders TBH. Unless Bungie changes this situation when it comes to the HoW DLC. I prefer staying one lvl below the lvl cap and try to enjoy other thing within the game (which isn't a lot) it makes it feel like the game is less of a chore/grind to play. More people take this route honestly. Hitting a lvl cap within Destiny is nothing more than a small personal achievement/status symbol type of thing.
Its a lvl 26 mission being a lvl 29 is no different than a 59
For example, doing the final part of the thorn bounty is L30, meaning sure you can hold your own, but you will be handicapped by about 20% compared to the 30 and, you also should realize it doesn't scale up, so the 31 isn't doing necessarily any more dmg against an end as the 30...
To answer your question because the retards at the bottom of this list are gabbing put of there arss. Yes it's all about light level for every light level there is a 10% boost on all stats.. that being said a level 30 nightfall on a 28 my hunter to a almost 32 there is a hell of a difference. To do a 26 strike those kids where tools I soloed for my thorn the 2nd time. Now with all this said a 29 doing a 30 nightfall u drop 25% on all stats compared to said enemies.
Nothing different. Same attack, same defense, same armor shader
The only time it matters is when ur killing things of a higher level. It's stupid here I'll break it down. Lvl 30 vs Lvl 25. All maxed dmg Lvl 25 vs Lvl 25. All maxed dmg Lvl 30 vs Lvl 30. All maxed dmg Lvl 25 vs Lvl 30. Gonna get -blam!-
Lvl 30 does 50% less damage with the sword
Not for a 26 strike. I beat it with me (30) a 29 and 28.
Yes there is a difference ... I can tell my level 30 warlock make the half of damage with the same weapon than my 31 titan ... M8 be something else but idk... Sorry for my bad english.. :)
Dude, I'm guessing you were doing thorn bounty, which can be done on a 26 and really is not that hard. You weren't under leveled, you were with scrubs.
Level advantages are only active in iron banner, not in the crucible. And if you're skilled, it doesn't really matter, because as I recall, that special version of the summoning pits is level 26. He was an elitist douche who thought being level 30 or 31 made him better than you, it would not have mattered. Unless you suck, but in such a situation, your level won't save you,
Edited by YumekuiRaeun: 12/25/2014 11:50:43 PMDepends on the weapon and whether or not it's precision damage For a sniper rifle like Ice Breaker there's a 2-3 thousand precision damage difference between 29-30 Level also dictates how much damage given enemies do to you, but that's almost negligible