Overall, even without all the hype, I'd probably still gone to see it in theaters. Well Flood, what are your opinions on the movie? Have you seen it yet, and if so, what did you think?
[url=https://play.google.com/store/movies/details/The_Interview?id=Ed2kSuKqfz0&utm_source=na_Med&utm_medium=hasem&utm_content=Dec2414&utm_campaign=interview&pcampaignid=MKT-Other-na-us-all-Med-hasem-mo-interview-Dec2414-1&gclid=CNTE5P365MICFUEV7AodZE4Avg&gclsrc=aw.ds]Purchase or rent it on Google play[/url]
I chuckled numerous times
I saw it at a theater last night. It was definitely funny. I would give it 8.5 out of 10. [spoiler]The kids playing the guitar was one of my favorite moments IMO[/spoiler]
It was absolutely hilarious. I'd recommend it to anyone if you haven't seen it
I would've seen it before all the hacking bs started, but it was just as funny as I thought it would be.
Is it free on youtube?
They cancelled that movie though.
It was an okay movie. Wasn't anything spectacular, just another Seth Rogan movie. Gratuitous, frankly awful cgi violence with a barely discernible plot amongst jokes of varying effectiveness. I'd rate it at most a 6/10 for quality, 8/10 for the LOL factor of pissing off NK.
Where did you find it? I'm in England will it still be available here!
What's it about, exactly?
What is it/10? If people give it a 6 or better I'll watch it.