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Edited by MegaKittyRawr: 12/25/2014 9:14:16 PM

Christmas Noobs Adoption Center

This a page for experienced players to "adopt" their own Noobs and show them the ropes of Destiny and watch them grow. Noobs. Please leave your gamertag and console you're on below and wait for adoption requests. Veterans, please do the same and wait for Noobs to request adoption. Enjoy everyone.

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  • Experienced raider, I can run most strikes in 10 minutes, can solo most nightfalls. If anyone on 360 wants help, feel free to add me. Can solo lamps on CE for anyone if need be. Also looking for someone to run through the story on a second char.

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  • Edited by MjrPayne95: 1/21/2015 7:17:02 AM
    Ill take sum noobs under my wing for sure. Lvl 32 titan. Been with the game since beta. Ps4 Psn: MjrPayne95

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  • Willing to help anyone who is at the planet Venus as have missed something there .. Invite or message this gt

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  • I want to be adopted i play on xbox one and 360 sometime gamer tag is same as my name

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    • I think most the xmas noobs are gone already

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    • Would like "nooblets" to chime in on their current impression with Destiny and their plans for the Comet Expansion dropping in September!

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    • I'm not a noob but starting my 3rd character. Anyone wanna help me grind to 20? On Xbox live, my gt is also my username.

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      • Ladies and gentlemen. Boys and girls. Are you tired of the drag of daily life? Are you looking for a way to get out and see the world? Then join your local EREP. Get out and see the world, kill strange things because they are not like you. Here at Earth Republic we fight for all of earth's residents of all shapes, sizes, color, make, and model. (that's you exos) Are you lost in the darkness? Let the Earth Republic be your flashlight. A message to the traveler [spoiler]We are hear and we stand together will you? [/spoiler] This add brought to you by EREP the light in the darkness. Join the fight! End message

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        7 Replies
        • Looking for a new human shield in the fight against the darkness. The last one broke...I mean I have snack cakes...but they aren't for you 😐

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        • Xbox one add me if you are a christmas noob my gamertag is: xOPT1C RILEYx I will help with stuff when i can

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        • Great post bro. Great to see people helping others to get on that level.

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        • I have adopted my Christmas Noob for the Year :D XxzorzoracxX I have been with him since level one (Sheds Tear) He has grown to a powerful level 12 (Sheds another Tear) They grow so fast :(

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        • Edited by mythological T : 1/19/2015 4:20:50 PM
          This sounds fun!! Any noob want to be adopted? I have every exotic except two. I will turn you into a mythical force to be reckoned with. Msg gamertag: mythological T

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        • Edited by Zoeskydiamonds: 1/21/2015 9:19:07 AM
          Hi I'm a noob never played this sort of gaming before, needing help and can take direction! Gt : Zoeskydiamonds Level 14 Titan Xbox one 23 / Aussie / headset aswell Constantly getting 13 year olds, feeling like a creep hahah

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          5 Replies
          • Lol this sounds like fun. Don't got much else to do on Destiny nowadays. Any noob out there wanna be "adopted"? I play on Ps4 btw.

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          • GT Darksoul8x looking for someone to help level up my character. Xbox one message or invite me.

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          • Yo i want a chritmass noob Lv 32 titan x 2 Lv 31 hunter Got most exotics Looking to turn a noob into a monster Add deathgun47- Will help with all content

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          • Edited by mango_23: 1/19/2015 12:18:57 AM
            Adopting noobs Lvl 32 Titan x2 Lvl 31 hunter Ps4

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            • Come to the "light" little one Caring foster farther looking to nurture a young guardian into a alien killing machine Will to run all content. Xb1 gt Bum Brownies just add and message me

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            • Willing to adopt some cute little Nooblets. Level 28 Hunter and Level 28 Titan. Will help my adopted noob with story missions and doing the raid, won't get angry with cute little noob. Gamertag is CojomaPlayz on XB1

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            • Willing to help a noob lvl 30 hunter ps3

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              • I'm feeling nice I will adopt some little nooblets Lvl 31 titan x2 Lvl 30 hunter Gt Combat X2 Xbone I am usually busy during the week but I'm happy to help on weekends

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              • Aw what the heck, I'll adopt some. I have a 32 hunter 32 Warlock 30 Titan VoG Raid - 38 Times completion easy/hard Crotas End - 10 Times completion If you guys need help. I am on xbox 360...

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              • Edited by bigDixNairplanes: 1/18/2015 5:30:56 PM
                I've been a noob since october, don't have the greatest of gear or dlc, would love to try and raid vog. Ps4 bigDixNairplanes.

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              • 32 hunter - 31 hunter - 29 warlock PS3 I norrmally finish up running everything 3x over by wednesday the rest of the week im doing bounties (or studying or both). I'll take a christmas noob ^-^ so long as you're; no younger than 17 (17-18), have a mic, competitive and not a bore. Gender doesn't matter add AEMz_Kaii ;)

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              • Not a noob but looking for a place to call home :'( Lmao seriously though can I steal some PS4 friends my other shithead friends moved to other games. Assholes. Need some more regular Destiny players.

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