My buddy and I have decided to delete our titians(saved their gear) and make clone characters. We then run the weekly, weekly nightfall, vault of glass on hard, then Crotas end. After we run that we delete the character and start all over( we are on round 3). We level the clone in 7 hours, what's the fastest level 20 you guys have done?
We just started our grind again time to get to lvl 20
NGLB: we are looking for more people to join our group NGLB! We need more people so we can have multiple groups if your interested just follow our group. I stress group because we are not a clan with leadership just a bunch of friends playing! No rules, no requirement other than having a mic! We are on PS4.
Edit 1: I see there is a lot of support for this kind of playing style! If you want level up characters on PS4 just add me!
I'd rather keep all three of my characters, (each class by the way) and level all three of them to 32. I need one piece of raid gear for two of them and one has enough raid gear already. 40 radiant shards and 52 radiant energy. Safe to say, I'll be just fine.