Bodie joins the game as Ukraine. Remaining it NU for New Ukraine. Immediately sets up land air and infantry defenses and starts work on more advanced air defenses.
Ireland fires kinetic bombardment rods for good measure.
If from land, prepare to be glassed. If from space, prepare to become the next [i]thanatos[/i].
From slipspace.
[i]Thanantos[/i] provides Orbital Bombardment. You are obliterated.
Bolivia releases some of its singularity mass to grow to twice the size of earth's moon, and exits transit exactly where you are firing from, trapping you within a moon. Singularity reclaims released matter, returning bolivia to original size, and crushing all of your ensnared ships.
Bolivia wishes to ally itself with your country.
I accept
Death Star comes out of hyperspace. Destroys your planet as everyone of your nation.
One of the bolivian moons exits transit to fire a volley of RM via light-speed accelerator cannons. Goodbye death star, and all who inhabit it. >re-enters transit again for safety.
Edited by Marathon: 12/23/2014 6:10:04 AMHEAC comes out of slip-space with 2 CAS Carriers. Phantoms come out of the carrier with 5 political San 'Shyuum
NU asks to be allys
no u, the Phantoms detonate, releasing radiation all over NU and the carriers retreat into slip-space.
The hunt begins.