It wasn't hacking threats, it was terroristic threats. They pulled the movie when the hackers threatened to attack theaters showing the movie and Sony knew they would get sued if a single person was injured.
America wouldn't back down from a threat that's all I'm saying. #spine
Lol isn't sony pictures, the division of sony that was hacked and ceded to terrorist threats, based in America?
No its a Japanese company welcome to the world
Sony is, yes, but the division of sony responsible (sony pictures) is a sub of sony USA. Welcome to multinational corporations chump.
Lmfao how does that make me a chump? You probably just learned that word and were dying to use it right?
Well, you're being condescendingly incorrect. Sounds chump-ish.
Yea because 'murica
Lol...seeing as America started the war on terror maybe they should get on with finishing it, as opposed to letting others take the brunt of it
To finish it would mean the END OF OUR EXCUSES TO INVOLVE OURSELVES IN OTEHRS BUSINESS... Learn how men rule the world, boy. Now sit down and listen, watch and learn. Keep them unstable, keep them divided amongst themselves (by using 1 faction against another to cause deep rooted hatted amongst populace) to better control them. Hence our invasion of Iraq... The sunni and shitte went at each other and did a lot of our work for us... Had they banned together and fought the US forces we would have had a problem holding the country. Lesson over.
Edited by swirve: 12/22/2014 1:38:47 have no idea...Kid.... Your simplistic example shows how limited your actual understanding is of historical events and politics.... I'd not waste the time bringing you up to speed....though once you've better understood pre-IRAQ I might take the time to explain some of the basic points to you....
Why don't you shut up? War on terror lines in a video game forum are inappropriate. People have died fighting these lunatics all over the world. And Sony is a bunch of weak willed losers. Even the president told them to put out the movie and dont give in to pressure. Go play playstaion and give more money to Sony.
Why exactly forum warrior.... The noob wants to talk about Sony, which had a terrorist threat, and how America has a spine...who actually caused most of this grief.... People die all the time, especially because of American foreign policy....try and learn a bit more about the world rather than living in your patriotic bubble....(my family are in the don't talk crap about service people to me)