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Edited by GouldBerg988: 1/9/2015 9:22:02 AM

Do Crota-Kneelists deserve to get banned?

Yes, they clearly violated the Terms-of-Service


No, because Reasons


I don`t care, but feel the need to participate


So [url=]this [/url]Thread clearly explains why the Networkglitch is in a whole other class than all the glitches/cheesing that did go on in the vault: FYI: [b]At least three persons already got banned[/b] Edit:Bungie updates stats on Crotacompletes Inb4 Banhammer EDIT: [b]For all the Naysayers that say Bungie/sony couldn`t possibly distinguish between a random and a deliberate DC.[/b] 1.Lets just assume that there is a time-window of 5 seconds around the point where Crota kneels down to dc on purpose and use the glitch. 2.Let`s further assume that on average the ServiceProviers are reachable for 90% of the time (It`s actually more like 98%, but we will be very generous) 3.Since Crota has been “beaten” more than 160.000 times and a Raidteam consists of 6 people we will say: There are at least 1 Million chances to draw a disconnect during 2 hours (an average Raid takes this time). If we take the 10% from above we can say: 100,000 disconnects happened during all successful Crotaraids up to this point. So what is the probability that A DC happens randomly at the exact same time Crota goes down? Calculation: 2*3600/5 = 1440:= potential 5 second-time units of one single player during a successful raid 1,440,000,000= for all players Ergo The probability that a DC happens randomly at the moment where crota goes down for any Player is 100,000/1,440,000,000 = 6,94e -5 And for the special case that this DC concerns the Host: 1,16e -5 For comparison: The Probability of getting a Royal Flush in Poker: 2,57 e-5 Another Hopebubble busted by Math, sorry for that EDIT 2: I will also link to a prominent youtuber (Datto) that has the same opinion as the vocal group of "[b]It`s a cheat not a chesse[/b]" on this forum. Since he works closely with bungie you can be sure that in one way or the other Glitchers will soon befall a special "Destiny": [b][/b] EDIT 3: This is how a big banwave looked in Halo:Reach (2010) courtesy of Bungie [quote]Good evening, We are in the process of applying credit resets to approximately 15,000 users who we have identified as the most egregious Challenge Reset abusers. A one day credit earning ban has also been applied, mostly to ensure that recipients receive an in-game notification of the action taken. As with any such measure, we have taken the time to carefully select our criteria to eliminate false positives. A more comprehensive pass will be occurring in the coming week as our automated Banhammer mechanisms grow accurate enough to satisfy our high bar for burden of proof. If you are thinking about getting an easy 50k credits by using this exploit, I would strongly advise you to reconsider. Thank you, and please direct any discussion of these resets to this thread. Edit 1: a point of clarification. No bans were handed out tonight for a) Playing too much Gruntpocalypse (no such thing!) b) Using the target locator too much (no such thing!) Specifically, we targeted an exploit that allowed players to complete a Challenge 20+ times via intentional network manipulation (i.e., disconnects.) Spot checks have revealed the telltale signature of this behavior on every denier so far, so don't be fooled by the protests of innocence. We aren't. Edit 2: 1) If you have lost your Legendary Helmet or any other downloadable offers, you can re-download them via your Download History. We're not sure this is affecting anyone (we haven't reproduced it internally), but just in case it is, give this a try. 2) We won't be resetting Commendations, as we do not feel that the exploit used affected them. It would not be fair to people who did use the exploit but who wish to retain the record of their playstyle, and we cannot differentiate between the two systematically. Sorry. --- Cheaters, be wary of the Credit Reset! [/quote] [url=]Source[/url] [b]EDIT 4: Cheaters have officially gotten a Carte Blanche from a Studio that is a shadow of its former self Bungie does not kick ass any more. I was a fool and the cheaters have taken over. I will now make a thread to suggest to ban anyone in the future that tries to make a thread about banning someone. Bungie clearly voted for the quick buck. I hope they will live happily ever after with you and your kind. Signing out ;-)[/b]

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  • What happens in the extremely rare case that you loose connection as he's kneeling and it's just your Internet messing up? They couldn't ban you for that?

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  • No one got banned. If so prove it. You would've provided a link.

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  • Omfg who cares there is zero way to fix this without reworking his mechanics. Let ppl do it, makes no difference he's easy to beat legit. Funny thing is if ppl do it, it takes less time to beat him legit then it does to wait for the original host to log back on and rejoin.

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    • [quote]So [url=]this [/url]Thread clearly explains why the Networkglitch is in a whole other class than all the glitches/cheesing that did go on in the vault: FYI: [b]At least one person already got banned[/b] Edit:Bungie updates stats on Crotacompletes Inb4 Banhammer[/quote] If anything Bungie will just allow players to get away free for now but let people know that doing it next time will resort into some kind of consequence as a warning

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    • Really? You stupid fagot. If you're going to say that someone got banned then please call it out and say it was don't. You're a retard. Mostly Xbox has been doing the raid. I hate idiots like you.

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      • They'll ban some people but literally thousands have done it and I'm positive they won't ban all of them Wonder how they will handle this

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        • It's not a hack or anything.It's simple,Bungie -blam!-ed up and I'm taking advantage of it. We shouldn't get banned when it wasn't our fault that bungie doesn't test raids for shit like this in the first place.

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        • How can you ban people who's Internet sucks and it just drops on them? I have one friend who hasn't been able to play the raid for more then 5 minutes at a time because his Internet -blam!-s up. You can not tell me if he was fire team leader and got dropped because of his Internet company they'll ban him for that that's a load of horse shit. Also if they ban everyone who has done the cheese then say go bye to about a million or two players because we all know a huge majority of us have done it because we wanted to finish it faster.

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        • In a game that has RNG no one earned any drops so honestly it makes not a bit of difference to you what another person does. God damn I hate nosey neighbors. Put your head back on your side of the fence and dont worry if im smoking pot in my backyard ot not.

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        • HA! I helped so many groups of 5 yesterday cheese Crota I would like to see Bungie "Ban" me no ones going to tell me I can't turn of my -blam!-ing console...

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        • No. Just reset there accounts

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        • Pretty easy imo, if they fix the Crota fight then no one would even bother because he is easy to down with a good team. Its all of his glitches that piss people off. The amount of times my team had him down to one more sword only to have the sword disappear, Crota jump down, had him run into the sniper room a few times and Chase a sniper into the starting room, swordbearer not spawn or stay still where he spawns, Crota shield down then regen, or shield down then he takes out our swordbearer in one swing off his knees, invulnerable knights on their platform, random disconnect for some players, knights running through the barrier, etc is unreal. The fight isn't fun while the rest of the raid Is wonderful, and it's really a game of get the perfect run while hoping you don't get a glitch. Combating perfect timing with an endless stream of random glitches is not fun, and should be fixed before they even think of the banhammer. While they are at it, finally fix vog, last night it was one massive glitch fest, some still from launch.

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        • I don't think they should be banned by any means. If it was a hack, then yes. Exploiting a flaw in the game is not ban worthy. Patching glitches is the responsibility of the developer. Until they patch any flaws, glitches, or exploits it may as well be considered part of the game. I remeber a time when we all thought that Atheon teleported the farthest three on purpose. At such a time that bungie does decide to patch this, which you know very well they will, because "its not how we intended you to play" players are going to need to learn how to kill Crota legit. I don't use the cheese, Crota is easy enough to kill in my opinion. However, for those that do cheese him I really don't care. I do think though that anyone that has not done it legit yet should give it a try, it's pretty rewarding when it all clicks and your team pulls it off, and will allow you to know how to clear the raid once the cheese is patched so you aren't that guy that says "how do we kill the templar now that we can't push him". Just my thoughts, not hating on the cheesers, but give it a shot, it's more entertaining than you think. For those that have beat him and would rather cheese, cheese away my fellow guardians.

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        • I love these people crying for bans, imagine the first person it happened to by complete ACCIDENT. For an issue on their end causing this, they should be fixing it, not banning people for their own mistake.

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        • They shouldn't be banned, but should still be punished

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        • I've had teams spend 2 hours trying to convince me the glitch worked. Finally found a team willing to do it legit and we beat it first try.

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        • NOT AT ALL

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        • Any actually proof that this is against the terms of service? Or, are you just assuming it does?

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        • No. Only children care how others play a game. You don't wanna use the cheats, play with like minded people. Hell I have three Mythocast. I got each one legitimately. No cheats just working with people who are capable and I can work with. I don't care how you got yours. I don't care how you beat Crota. Once they fix that people will either learn or fail. Sink or swim, baby. Now I'm gonna go work on my Swordbreaker and Hunger of Crota so I can use the Hive killing ability for the next raid.

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          40 Replies
          • Why do you care how other people play the game? If you don't like to play that way, then that's your choice. Don't worry about what other players are doing and just worry about yourself.

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          • The way I look at it is, I've beaten it legit multiple times. I've been in the cheese once. For the amount of times that I've gotten dropped from the servers or whatever, I think cheesing him doesn't even begin to make up for the times I've been screwed by this game. Beating him legit got me the same garbage machine gun that cheesing him did. So what is the big deal. I've beaten the nightfalls 3 times weekly since they've been available and haven't gotten sh!t from them either. So, end of story,,,, if they ban me, it will be a blessing in disguise. I can go back to playing some other game that I don't get consistently screwed on.

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          • I think cheeses should only exist for a small amount of time, like Atheon, then patched to go back to normal once more people are familiar with it

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          • Crota is so easy anyone who has to network glitch is a also takes more time to glitch him than to beat him legit

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          • Does it really matter what other people do? Shouldn't you just be happy with yourself if you think it's wrong and don't exploit the game? Is it just the principle of the matter or regret that you participated in the exploit? I don't understand why it matters what other people do.

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          • They should ban people who can't even use proper grammar....

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          • [b]Q: What behaviors can lead Bungie to apply account restrictions or bans to a user?[/b] Bungie regards the following behavior to be in breach of the license agreement that governs Destiny, and therefore potentially subject to access restrictions: Connecting to the Destiny game service with any of the following: -Modified game software -Modified game assets -Modified console hardware -Modified console firmware -Using an external program to modify the operation of the Destiny game software (trainer or mod) -Using an external program or device to automate gameplay or circumvent idle detection  [u][b]-Modification or interruption of Destiny network traffic with intent to disrupt other players’ experiences or to gain advantage in the game[/b][/u] -Intentionally deriving gameplay benefit from another user’s behavior in the above categories -Unauthorized access to Destiny software or downloadable content (game piracy) Impersonating a Bungie, Microsoft, Sony, or Activision employee It’s pretty simple, really. Nobody, especially not Bungie, wants players to miss out on Destiny. Please don’t ruin the experience for anyone, including yourself. And remember, we’re always keeping an eye out for those who would spoil the world of Destiny" Theres that as well

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