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Edited by GouldBerg988: 1/9/2015 9:22:02 AM

Do Crota-Kneelists deserve to get banned?

Yes, they clearly violated the Terms-of-Service


No, because Reasons


I don`t care, but feel the need to participate


So [url=]this [/url]Thread clearly explains why the Networkglitch is in a whole other class than all the glitches/cheesing that did go on in the vault: FYI: [b]At least three persons already got banned[/b] Edit:Bungie updates stats on Crotacompletes Inb4 Banhammer EDIT: [b]For all the Naysayers that say Bungie/sony couldn`t possibly distinguish between a random and a deliberate DC.[/b] 1.Lets just assume that there is a time-window of 5 seconds around the point where Crota kneels down to dc on purpose and use the glitch. 2.Let`s further assume that on average the ServiceProviers are reachable for 90% of the time (It`s actually more like 98%, but we will be very generous) 3.Since Crota has been “beaten” more than 160.000 times and a Raidteam consists of 6 people we will say: There are at least 1 Million chances to draw a disconnect during 2 hours (an average Raid takes this time). If we take the 10% from above we can say: 100,000 disconnects happened during all successful Crotaraids up to this point. So what is the probability that A DC happens randomly at the exact same time Crota goes down? Calculation: 2*3600/5 = 1440:= potential 5 second-time units of one single player during a successful raid 1,440,000,000= for all players Ergo The probability that a DC happens randomly at the moment where crota goes down for any Player is 100,000/1,440,000,000 = 6,94e -5 And for the special case that this DC concerns the Host: 1,16e -5 For comparison: The Probability of getting a Royal Flush in Poker: 2,57 e-5 Another Hopebubble busted by Math, sorry for that EDIT 2: I will also link to a prominent youtuber (Datto) that has the same opinion as the vocal group of "[b]It`s a cheat not a chesse[/b]" on this forum. Since he works closely with bungie you can be sure that in one way or the other Glitchers will soon befall a special "Destiny": [b][/b] EDIT 3: This is how a big banwave looked in Halo:Reach (2010) courtesy of Bungie [quote]Good evening, We are in the process of applying credit resets to approximately 15,000 users who we have identified as the most egregious Challenge Reset abusers. A one day credit earning ban has also been applied, mostly to ensure that recipients receive an in-game notification of the action taken. As with any such measure, we have taken the time to carefully select our criteria to eliminate false positives. A more comprehensive pass will be occurring in the coming week as our automated Banhammer mechanisms grow accurate enough to satisfy our high bar for burden of proof. If you are thinking about getting an easy 50k credits by using this exploit, I would strongly advise you to reconsider. Thank you, and please direct any discussion of these resets to this thread. Edit 1: a point of clarification. No bans were handed out tonight for a) Playing too much Gruntpocalypse (no such thing!) b) Using the target locator too much (no such thing!) Specifically, we targeted an exploit that allowed players to complete a Challenge 20+ times via intentional network manipulation (i.e., disconnects.) Spot checks have revealed the telltale signature of this behavior on every denier so far, so don't be fooled by the protests of innocence. We aren't. Edit 2: 1) If you have lost your Legendary Helmet or any other downloadable offers, you can re-download them via your Download History. We're not sure this is affecting anyone (we haven't reproduced it internally), but just in case it is, give this a try. 2) We won't be resetting Commendations, as we do not feel that the exploit used affected them. It would not be fair to people who did use the exploit but who wish to retain the record of their playstyle, and we cannot differentiate between the two systematically. Sorry. --- Cheaters, be wary of the Credit Reset! [/quote] [url=]Source[/url] [b]EDIT 4: Cheaters have officially gotten a Carte Blanche from a Studio that is a shadow of its former self Bungie does not kick ass any more. I was a fool and the cheaters have taken over. I will now make a thread to suggest to ban anyone in the future that tries to make a thread about banning someone. Bungie clearly voted for the quick buck. I hope they will live happily ever after with you and your kind. Signing out ;-)[/b]

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  • I've met ALOT of people in this game. What can I tell you? Every single one of them, if it be bounty glitch, templar glitch, Atheon glitch, bridge glitch, Crota glitch, loot cave, or whatever of the other countless glitches, have done at least one of them in their time. Id bet money on it that OP has done one of these things in their time. If Bungie was faster at fixing these things, then maybe there'd be a point. They've clearly displayed that they don't care about glitches, as they leave them around for months on end without patching them. So TLDR Shut up Meg.

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    • It's playstation's policy that your friend quotes, not bungie's. There is no way possible for someone to prove intent to preform this exploit. They could just have shitty Internet and it kicked them all the time. They could just claim that. So quit bitching and just shut up Meg.

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    • Edited by veilsix: 12/29/2014 3:59:20 PM
      This is a good question. Yes, the cheese is 100% a cheat. It technically does deserve a suspension from the game. BUT. If there was going to be disciplinary action, that should have been done and made public in the first day it was discovered. The raid should have been CLOSED and fixed, like VOG should have been. It shouldn't have been made available again until it was. But that means they would have to actually fix it quickly because people would be raging at them the entire period of the raid shut down... which I'm guessing is why we didn't see this happen. I don't think people should be banned at this point. Bungie has made the conscious decision to allow it to continue by not addressing it, not putting any warnings out, and keeping the raid open. And what you allow, you teach. They create an environment where people who aren't in top tier raiding clans have the choice of seeing their friends who cheete get geared while they stay behind to figure out the raid with who knows what groups of people... or join in on the cheeting.

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    • Edited by Sweeper Bot: 12/29/2014 3:52:44 PM
      It's not cheating... If you can expose a glitch, awesome, that just shows Bungie needs to fix it. I personally have never cheesed Crota, I didn't even know there was a cheese, but I have cheesed Atheon, and I have to admit it felt more rewarding once I beat him legit, but my first time Beating Atheon, I just wanted to get it done, it became more about feeling like I "beat the game" then getting loot at that point. I'm a firm believer of doing things the easiest and best way possible, and given that I'm in the military, if I have a chance to take a tactical advantage of a situation like forcing Atheon off with solar grenades, then you better believe I'm game for it. I realize it's a video game, but name one military leader that ever chose the hardest way to win a war, and that is how I view cheesing essentially. If you ain't cheating, you ain't trying.... lol.

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      • Bungie will do what AVCTIVISION says and that is to MAKE A GAME PERIOD! lf so think of the numbers of people??? You are not in business, cutting that many customers throats would cut YOUR OWN!

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      • Doing this is far worse than cheesing Atheon. Cheesing Atheon was a result of terrible and daft game testers and creative and innovative users. Doing the bridge glitch and the chalice glitch is not even bad like the DC glitch. It's all within the game and they never figured it out in testing. It's also something they can address and patch. The DC glitch is exactly what it's described as, a glitch. It's not cheese like the other tactics. Are they all examples of poor sporting? Sure but only one involves altering your connection to improve/beat your odds at a reward/loot. This is no different than using a lag switch back in the day for FPS. I don't know what mechanics are in the game that freezes a boss when someone disconnects but you can be sure these people are testing this with all forms in the VoG and other missions as well (nightfall, etc). With all that said, banning people will be tough without a foolproof way to discern who did it. I am sure 75% of the Vex Mythoclasts out there are cheesed but that's neither here nor there now. Hell, Bungie even joked out how many times Atheon was cheesed. You can't unring a bell.

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        • Maybe it was rng

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        • They honestly won't and can't ban that many people. Think about the money they would lose out on for future content based on many have done this cheese or cheat as they put it. Activision themselves love money to the point that they probably would keep the ban hammer away. Honestly this doesn't even count as a cheat in my book as a chest is something that gains you an edge over another player. Sure they can have the lvl 32 gear quicker but it doesn't matter since the only pvp aspect of this game shuts down lvl advantage anyway. Rng ruins the reward factor so everyone is still getting equal treatment despite how they beat the raid. Iron banner the only lvl advantage pvp is worthless so no one should honestly care. Seriously people bought the game and are forced into online play with no offline play, to deny them the game they bought for something as dumb as making a raid boss easier to finish off is just stupid and will end up getting them more shit to deal with then solve anything. They have more issues to solve then the cheesing player base like bringing this game up to par and getting new non pvp content into it.

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        • Need one for fresh crota cheese!!! Lvl 31 lock Gt yagerweisster

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        • This can be argued either way since it is a hardware glitch. I would say no ban because you are not modify the PlayStation to do it. When the holidays are over they will correct it and then add 3 player glitches in favor of Crota like they did with Atheon to make it harder.

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        • I do it all legit once, after that, whats the difference really? It's called working smarter, not harder. If you're saying people should be banned for this cheese, well why weren't you calling for bans for the archon priest cheese? or any cheese in the VoG, oh cause you go to dashboard for it to work so it's a terrible, terrible thing. You're a -blam!-ing tool if thats what you really believe. Find something more productive to do then whine and bitch over what other people do when it doesn't concern you, or effect you in a negative way in any form.

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          • It is what it is no one is asking you to police the people that want to cheat and the people that don't cheat really don't care enough to support you. I say cheat or don't I didn't need to cheat to beat the raid and really it's harder to actually cheese it. Just like Atheon it could take an hour for it to go your way and have him fall off or it could happen first try.

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          • Maybe bungie should fix their game.... You are all a bunch of whiners... Seriously , who cares? This is pve .... PVE! Not pvp... There is no unfair advantage .... Who cares of some dude gets armor or a weapon before you... Just be quiet and enjoy the game .... It does not effect you. And on the subject of the game being pve...(in this particular situation) would you still be all righteous if you were playing gta pve and you got banned for using cheat codes? Some thing that clearly has no effect on other peoples experience?

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          • They won't ban that many people who are a part of their gaming community. They -blam!-ed up, time to fix it. Now stop crying daddy's girl.

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          • this "cheat" has [b]no[/b] direct affect in other players. banning is extreme for using an exploit.

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          • Edited by DeluxeGemini: 12/29/2014 2:10:33 PM
            Why should people get banned because bungie failed to test the raid better? Look how easy the bridge cheese is. Just fix it or stop caring. It's not hurting you.

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            • Why should someone get banned for exploiting a bug within a game? Thats bungies fault. Its a bug.

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            • FOR THE LOVE OF GOD FIX THE GRAMMAR IN YOUR TITLE! I've had to stare at this for at least a week and now I am cringing.

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              • Banning people for this will be like banning people for cheesing Atheon. The manpower should be focused on patching the issue as quickly as possible, instead of finding people to ban. Considering how rampant the cheesing is, banning the people would create more problems than solutions.

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              • Has anyone even read the terms of service

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              • Shut up Meg

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              • Need three for a fresh crota cheese Lvl 31 lock Gt yagerweisster

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                • Yes. Why? You did something client side to change something in the game, the same as people did to glitch their heavy ammo in the Crucible. Now if he was kneeling because you did something specific in the raid ( like grenade spam at the right moment ) I'd say no. Broken raid is broken. But you're doing something on your end to mess with the game on it's end, every game I've ever played bans people for that.

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                  • Edited by VIK_DOOM: 12/29/2014 3:52:46 PM
                    I have a question for you OP.. How does it personally affect your gameplay to the point that you came up with this thread? OP is so bad that he can't even answer this legit question, he tries to insult my intelligence instead. lol you look very intelligent after delivering so much crap on the internet, just saying..

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                    • They are not going to ban people from thier shit game. Yet

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                    • 1
                      Kills jumped from 750 some odd kills the other over 100,000......

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