Seriously wtf? Five days in a row and hunter has had the extra Eris bounty. It's already taking a long time to level up Eris as it is and you're making it faster for hunter only people.
Hunter has now had 7 out of the last 8 days for the Extra Eris Bounty. For those of you who say why does it matter, That is 651 extra points if you're a hunter. I'm assuming they are all worth 75 points (93 with Radiant Light).
Edit 2 Fixed the Topic.
Hunterx6 days in a row, Warlock one day, Hunter one day, Warlock one day, And Hunter today.
But at the same time is also seems like hunters find items much less often than warlocks and titans. As me and my friend both have same amount of hours and both lvl 29 hunters and are both only lvl 6 with the cryptarch but other two friends who are warlock and titan lvl 28 and 30 are both over lvl 12 with cryptarch