This thread is inspired by another: view original post
On b.old, the pony shitposters kept themselves sequestered in a private group. They self-policed, and all was well. But when hit, the group left, and the ones who stayed were no longer contained. And so there was a time when MLP shitposters ran freely on this forum, spreading their bullshit wherever they went. The mods did not stop them and they did not care what anyone thought. And so I stepped in. I did what the moderators wouldn't or couldn't do: I stemmed the tide. Wherever they appeared, I was there to escalate the situation until they stopped, because I had revealed them for what they truly were but would not admit to being even to themselves. And so there was peace. The shitposters had been silenced and the forum was kept safe and clean under my watchful eye.
But you seem to have forgotten how things work and the purpose of what I do. I use the righteous power of horse vag to cleanse and protect this place, and to lead those who will follow my word to the salvation it offers us all. What you have forgotten is that I do not answer to anyone. The mods cannot stop me, and you cannot control me.
No longer will the autistic "Lel ponies #summon #weWaitXDDDDD" threads be met with a response. The power of horse vag is not there to be abused by those who fail to understand its purpose. I am considering expanding my operations to other posts which are deserving of it, but the decision is mine alone.
Will you use horse vag to prevent desticles?
*Tips top hat*
Stapler has forsaken us. . .
The absolute insane ridiculousness of this post is absurdly hilarious. I mean just listen to what you're saying. You're policing by using horse vag. I love you sometimes lol.
Tips hat in appreciation and leaves you to your work.
If Engrapadora protects us with horse vag, does that mean the horse cock is his blade and the vag is our shield or is the other way around? Does the vag attack and the cock defend? Do they both attack and defend simultaneously or during different intervals? Does life without horse vag mean anything? The questions...
Sir, Christmas newbs inbound. Shall I ready the Rule 34 cannons?
The entire OP could be turned into a biblical structure... Inb4 horsevagreligion.exe
That pic is my new wallpaper
ITT Engradapora believes he is a higher power on this forum
Tips fedora
[quote]the righteous power of horse vag[/quote]
pics or didn't happen.
My hat moment when Engra transcends formanality
Edited by Punished: 12/22/2014 11:46:59 AM#horseCockIsBestCock
*yawn* wat r u talking bout?
U sir are a legend
Play chemo all you want. The hero we need, etc etc. Just don't mistake someone making a joke on a forum as giving a shit. Because who cares mang. It's all good, baby, it's all good. [spoiler]:^)[/spoiler]
Edited by UnluckyRaspberry: 12/22/2014 2:38:49 AMAre we sure that this was completely necessary?
Nah, I still think you've lost your edge Engra. That pic was lame as.
Engrapadora The King of Delirium
WTF did I just read
It's alright I'm one of you...
Thank you based horse vag.
>taking this long to tell people you won't let them "summon" you anymore You are a disappointment to h-o-m-e-r.ogg
A wise decision