Dear Bungie, makers of destiny or whatever, it's a pretty great game compared to call of duty and that's all I would play before I decided to try destiny and my brother is a total noob at call of duty advanced warfare but I got him to play destiny and so far he has had incredible luck.. It's not that I'm complaining but I feel cheated you see, I downloaded the psn digital gaurdian version of the game and so was entitled to such exclusives as the Monte Carlo auto rifle and the hawkmoon handcannon which I have found neither or any such awesome weapon save for Universal Remote and I have played for nearly 6 days. My brother found the Monte Carlo within his first day of playing time and last night we all did the vault of glass on hard together and he (being new to the vault of glass still) kind of sucked but in the end he found the vex mythoclast and me who has done the raid many times and did quite well even on hard earned practically nothing. A raid sparrow I already have. Now I know you can't really give anyone special treatment but shit like this is reall making me dislike destiny. Really.
Sincerely Yours,
Edited by MassacreMike07: 12/25/2014 1:25:40 PMHow about just ban this child from forums. I understand people have a right to express their feelings. But this individual has already shown he lacks respect for his own flesh and blood, complete strangers, and the developers of destiny. Why tolerate such inconsiderate people? You draw attention in a very negative way. So don't expect change, when your approach is so verbally offensive to everyone who reads your initial post. Oh and FYI don't drag your personal work life into a gaming world. It shows a lack of character in thinking the developers owe you anything. They work their 40+ hr job, just like you.
It's random. Completely random. I've had terrible luck for three months. This last week I've gotten 4 exotics including the Mythoclast, a ton of legendary items including three engrams, more than I have actually seen since launch, a new ship, all in the last six days. RNGesus will see you, one day. If you can't handle the random element or are a naturally envious person then perhaps the game isn't for you... I've watched all my friends get rained on by exotics whilst all I got was shards, for yonks. Chin up eh Guardian.
Edited by RockstarGFU: 12/25/2014 5:27:52 AMSomething in the algorithm for loot, rewards ppl that under perform, i swear this is true.
It's RNG don't complain. If you don't like it then stop playing.
You.... You complain of not having exotics after 6 days of playing?! Alot of the players dont have exotics after a month of playing.
I've been looking for that gun 3 months now and still didn't get that gun man be happy
Ow boo hoo. Cry bungie a river
Heres the trick in getting rewards, you should do really bad to get good rewards, doing good will give you bad rewards. Maybe thats the trick :3
When are people going to realise that loot drops (other than the scripted ones for missions) are completely random. You have to pass a couple of levels of RNG when you get an engram drop, the first RNG is to decide what colour engram it will be and what type it will be (primary, secondary etc), then you have another RNG when you take it to the Cryptarch to decide what it will turn into, then I believe there might be another RNG to decide the stats and perks of whatever it is you just got. That is a LOT of randomness! And the chances of each type of engram dropping decrease based on the rarity of the engram, green, blue etc etc. The same is true of the post-match loot drops, RNG to decide if you will get a drop, RNG to decide what the drop will be and then RNG at the Cryptarch again. Again, randomness! Bungie can't really do anything for you unless there is some kind of glitch that prevents you from getting engrams. If you do get engrams but they are just green/blue then I am afraid that is just part of the game. The chances of you actually getting an exotic in a random drop are miniscule! Some people just get lucky. I can't count the number of green and blue engrams I've gotten and I've only ever gotten one exotic engram drop, I picked up Ghorn from the VoG chest and I got Universal Remote from a Crucible drop, everything else I've either bought or done bounties for.
Welcome to RNG life get used to it I am sorry to say but that is life feel lucky you have not the real cryparc
LOL you have played for 6 days and expect the good stuff to fall in your lap. I got the sweet Gjallarhorn from a Nightfall after 3 months of playing daily. Patience is a virtue with you clearly don't posses, have faith young Guardian you will own those weapons you covet in due time.
This is the greatest troll ever
So let's say this entire post was stupid of me and the game is completely random, fine I'll get over it but I find it amusing that you all care to defend my brother whom you don't even know because trust me his not a worthwhile person, I'm his older brother, the oldest boy in my family I am 18, work 40 hrs a week doing construction and I have an amazing girlfriend I've been dating for 6 months. There's no reason to believe me people I just gotta say if you knew my brother and I, if you're a person of substance and a not altogether stupid you would enjoy my company more for all my brother does is talk shit like the major leagues. Play Cod advanced warfare with him and you will see. If you actually want to I'll get his gamer tag for you, we're both on ps3.
CoD kid nuff said.
I get better loot than most of my friends. The only this I do different I do one of each thing there is to do in Destiny I play every game mode once a day. My friends only raid or they only PVP etc
Hi Kush Mind, I'm really sorry you aren't getting the gear you are looking for. Loot drops have a component of randomness, which explains why someone can get a piece of gear right away or, in some cases, not get anything for a long while. Although this is simply how the system works, please know that your chances are the same as anyone else's. I hope that your luck changes and you get the gear you want.
Welcome to RNG. I run my friend and myself through atheon on hard (pre patch) to cheese him off the ledge in hopes of a free mythoclast. My idea. My fire team. My work. He got the weapon. Needless to say I don't do crap like that anymore.