Now recruiting the worlds elite fighting forces, come join ppl who are just as messed up and sick minded as you are.
This is a place where you can call home
If you have thin skin you need not apply, no sissies allowed.
Message with your current duty status (active, reserve, retired etc...) your rank what branch of military your in and what country you serve, also what's your job title. (Note, this information is used only to authenticate who you are and you are infact military)
To join click the link above or just click this one
This is to help alleviate stolen valor and helps us identify if you are truly military or just a wannabe
(Foreign militarizes outside of the U.S. Are more then welcome to join)
"Speak softly and well -blam!- the stick carry a belt fed machine gun"
"Be polite be professional but have a plan to kill everybody you meet"
"As I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I shall fear no evil, for I am the baddest mother F*r here- USMC"
Join (God among guardians) GAG
Make sure If you enjoy this post and support all military you leave a like and follow our page! Your support is what drives us to do what we do, thank you and Semper fidelis
If you come across this thread please show some love and leave a bump in the comments, thanks!
Navy e4 let me know if yall want to do raids and stuff add me gt trnupORbrnup
Army, e-4, coming up on 2 year mark January, active duty
Level 31 army looking to start the nightfall. Xbox message me if you want to assist
Navy, about to hit my two year mark in January, e-4
Need people to do raid and nightfalls with on Xbox one. Send me a friend request so I can add you and invite GT: xDirty rat
Sounds like a way to irradiate us
10 yrs in