I soloed it and this is my least fav nightfall to solo. Hive nightfalls suck with lightswitch and arc burns. Rune area stay in the hall retreat to here as needed. You gotta hit and run quick knight and wizards can almost instantly kill you. Wave 3 around 4 wizards spawn that will chase you into the hall run to the top of the stairs after you get their attention i through solar grenades where the sit and fire at me and puck them off with ice breaker. Which is better on their sheilds than arc even with burn. Also if you have gjallarhorn just aim shoot win, i dont have it. Beat them and its an easy shot to phogoth and there are 2 ways to do it. Clear the room of knights then release him and run to the back left duck behind the rock. Stand shoot repeat till dead. 2nd way stay in the room you started in shoot a few eounds run from shieker hide rull it disappears repeat. I have done both.