I'd be mad also if I only had level 29 guardians. #GetBetterScrub.
I have 2 level 29 guardians that I've got in about a month considering I just got off a 10 month deployment and haven't been playing since it came out and I guarantee I have a 31 hunter by the end of the week. And I bet I'd smash that ass in crucible with my level 29 guardian
You don't even have a Gjallarhorn, so I doubt it...stick to tiger strikes in the mean time.
Umm im not a bitch and need a ghorn to be able to do anything or feel better about myself
Clearly you're a bitch who needs to rage on the forums about a digital item. #GrowAPair , but honestly #ThanksForServing
You are one of the few veterans I do not respect.