Decided to show off the Murmur in the new Dark Below Crucible maps. I would like you to hear your opinions about the video and gameplay. I'm trying to make entertaining videos. Helpful criticism is greatly appreciated.
While I don't care for the complaining, I like the idea of a hand cannon/sniping compilation with good shots. I made this out of fun and I enjoyed doing so I am going trying with some other weapons. I'm in it to win it.
Lol if you don't like the fusion rifles, why would you watch a video marked murmur? And then complain about how you don't like fusion rifle kills???? People are f@#!ed,
I thought murmur has quite a long charge time compared to some of my other legendary fusions... Why would u even want to use it in crucible?
Pocket Infinity (now that its usable again) eats the Murmur and spits out fur balls.
It's not even that good a FR. Light/BEWARE and Final Rest II are both better in basically every way with Accelerated Coils. Nothing special about Murmur. Nice video though. Would've been nice if you could've gotten some Reigns of Terror or Unbrokens maining it.
I hate playing against what I call fusion pussies and normally don't enjoy watching videos of them. I have to admit however you had some pretty sweet kills/kill streaks and the montages were put together well with almost no dead air time, all action. I found the video entertaining and it almost makes me wanna try a fusion in PvP again.
Grats you used your fusion like a primary just like every other puss cake in the crucible
I'd agree that the fusion isn't the most fun to watch. Much rather see some great skill shots instead. Like some impossible sniper kills or Handcannon headshots that are timed perfectly.
Lol fusion rifle compilation that's funny.
A fusion rifle isnt enertaining
Good job on the video. [spoiler]I didn't watch it i did however see that it said "Mur Mur Dered" and i could just tell that this was going to be a good video.[/spoiler]