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12/17/2014 3:23:26 PM

Special weapon ammo perk

I think that it would be useful if pieces of gear that contain a "grants additional ammo for special weapons" perk would allow regenerating weapons Ex: Ice breaker, pocket infinity, etc. to hold more ammunition as well. These perks become null, which is very disappointing. After purchasing Xur's icebreaker UPGRADE, I still have 6 shots... I recently purchased the armamentarium upgrade from Xur as well. Upon completion of this piece, I was expecting just a tad more out of the time I put into making it DLC compatible. I think that any piece of armor should allow not a huge grant in special weapon ammo for regenerating weapons, but at least a substantial amount to make the new upgrades (and the time it takes to complete them) worthwhile. Otherwise I think that in general, there should be slight differences in upgraded armor and weapons... As players, we grind to max out these pieces... The weapons and armor should at least have something other than upgraded damage or defense. Please, Bungie, make the new upgrades worthwhile. Having to grind for such little difference isn't giving much incentive to buy any more upgrades. Please guardians, post your thoughts here.

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