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Clan Recruitment

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Edited by SpaceDandy: 1/11/2015 11:28:58 AM

[PS4] New clan "WOLFPACK7" looking for nice and dedicated gamers

I'm in since Day-1, have all exotics/raid gear, beat crota in 7 min multiple times blabla.. the usual stuff people brag with lol. Right now I just do vog and ce for fun, helping people out etc. I am online every day, and I'm really looking for some peeps who enjoy this game, as a static raidteam, strikes, crucible or just to hang around with and have fun. I offer you a dedicated mentor, who's gonna teach you the ways of the "Cheese" , tipps and tricks, who's gonna sing on your wedding, who's gonna falcon kick the cops so you can escape, who's gonna tell you about the old days when Zelda Snes was considered masterrace, who's gonna kidnap the cryptarch's kids just so you can get the purple rain you always wished for.. No pushing, just be yourself and play at your own pace. [b]EDIT*[/b] >>If you want to be a member of the Clan and make the Clan tag visible in-game, go to our Group/Clan page and hit the "Set as clan" tab, right next to "Interact" and "About".<< This should help if you're experiencing troubles Send me a friend request in-game and I'll add you to the psn conversation with all clan members available. From this point you can add each other easily. PSN: BlackArtsWolf

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  • Hey. Have a lvl 31 Hunter and a lvl 29 titan. Looking for to help run raids with as ive done VIG a few times but yet to do Crota properly only ever cheesed the 1st 2 chests. Add me psn olihutch33

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  • Ive been around since the beta but work and school have kept me from playing much. Id like to run VoG and CE. My psn is the same as my username

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    • bumpedy bump

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    • Edited by SpaceDandy: 12/18/2014 12:28:08 PM
      added everyone on the list, welcome peeplz~ let me now if I skipped someone.

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      2 Replies
      • Lvl 30 hunter PSN peacot I try to play after 8mst most nights play with whoever needs help or is willing to join. Need a ton of shards and would like to join. I have ran vog but just once.

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        • Lvl 31 Hunter with plenty of gear and experience. Just looking to have fun and learn more about the game. Psn is Emperor_Doug

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        • Champagne_Papito LVL 28 Hunter, experienced Most nights after 6pm est

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        • Level 30 hunter. Almost level 31. I play everyday. Done the VoG several times and Crota once. PSN: mumphump

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          • Do you have a minimum playing time? My job makes it difficult to put regular hours in, and at this point I can't make any vidya a priority, but I do try to play a good amount (maybe 3-4 hours per week and more on weekends, other plans not withstanding). PSN: RefinedBean, if you're interested. 26 Warlock.

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            • Hi, I've been playing for a couple of months and on most nights (UK) and would like to find a good group to have fun and join in raids, weekly,nightfall etc . I have done vog twice with pugs. I have a Defender Titan 29 and would be 30 if I had some ascendant shards which will be soon I'm sure! I am interested in joining your clan and seeing if it's what I'm looking for and indeed I fit in with you. Psn: Yakuzarov

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              2 Replies
              • Would be interested in joining am a level 30 warlock, play almost everyday but weekdays are better due to work. Psn is Lelouch19

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              • level 24 titan wanting need peoples help to do a raid and boost up some levels psn: iik1ll3r06ii

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              • Level 30 hunter almost 31. just started 1 month ago haven't tried Raids yet. Might be a cool experience.

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                • Just a TITAN who pretty much wipes my weeklys then slow down for the rest of the week. I do my raids on weekends which is why I'm here. My clan is just a friendly "LFG" clan but they aren't the most hardcore raiders. They always seem to have everything done b4 the weekend and so I'm always left with no one to raid with so yeh, I'd like to have a steady stream of hardcore raiders (ppl who don't need to be baby fed what to do and can do it well) to tap into So reply plz. Thnx

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                  • I want to join the clan im very dedicated and attentive

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                  • Oh lol If I should post my stats Lvl 31 TITAN with multiple team beneficial gear to bring to the table. I have, Saint helm for being overran and slowing down the enemy (1st board labyrinth) Armamentarium for clearing rooms or keeping swarms at bay I have blessing weapons and illuminated all unlocked Know multiple cheeses Good team player I don't rush raids we can go as slow as needed I have a 2.0 ice breaker and a vex so I'm doing good on dps in any situation

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                  • Interested in Joining! Have a lvl29 warlock will be 30 tonight Lvl28 Titan lvl27 Hunter Looking to do the nightfall and normal VOG raid with titan and Hunter if anyone can help!

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                  • Yeah 2 from the chest and the helm from Crotas. Along that I got the 4th horseman, sword breaker, and the hunger for Crotas rocket launcher. This raid is more generous to me than the VoG ever was

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                  • Thanks man ! I got it last night. So hyped lol I just need my boots and those radiant shards. Hard to farm shards with only one character. I'm managing tho

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                    • Add me SLIIMWOLF always down to raid and more. Good team member.

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                      • Level 26 hunter looking for normal, fun people to help with raiding and progressing and enjoying the game etc

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                      • Sounds like exactly what we're looking for. I've a dedicated fireteam of 3 - we game daily starting around 8pm EST and are a tightknit group of RL friends. We're looking to get into raiding high-end content in Destiny with a regular raiding schedule. Myself and another of us have been raiding MMO in EQ/EQ2 for 10+ years so we're familiar with following instructions/strats/listening to understand game mechanics. We have very mature/crass senses of humor, laugh constantly and are generally crude and NSFW. PSN Gamer tags, etc follow: BrockR1975 LVL 30 Hunter Silvermane44 Level 30 Titan (defensive stance mostly) AC2013 Level 29 Titan (offensive stance mostly) - will be 30 tonight after a few more marks for a purp helm

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                        • Level 31 warlock with all the goodies everyone wants when going into raid. I have yet to defeat crota with randoms and im tired of wasting time looking for people. Psn nfk2485

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                          3 Replies
                          • Dont forget everyone to set this as your clan on cant do it in the app!

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                          • Hey man I'm really interested in joining up ... I am really tired of playing with a bunch of randoms and listening to people cry all the time! I'm just lookin for a group to have a good time with ... PSN BigTime-_805_- 2 titans lvl 31 27 hunter

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                            • I'm interested in joining. I have a 29 Hunter (just need to level up some gear to 30) A 28 titan and a 26 lock Am yet to do a hard vog raid :( Psn: SilenT_Mode-

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